The Assault on Taranis
Post Views: 933 Titan Taranis is under siege, taking major damage, and close to presenting a major turning point in the war against the Thargoids. This is an urgent call to all independent pilots to aid in the complete defeat of a Titan. A recent surge of financial support... Read more
Target the Titans – Guardian Nanite Torpedoes Released
Post Views: 1,057 *Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Aegis is preparing concerted attacks against Thargoid Titans using the new weapons now available at rescue megaships. A successful delivery campaign brought in enough supplies of neofabric insulation, ion distributors and energy grid assemblies to mass-produce the Guardian nanite torpedoes. YZ Ceti Blue... Read more
Winters Pauses Inauguration After Rhea Disaster
Post Views: 962 President-elect Felicia Winters has delayed the start of her term of office, in response to devastating earthquakes on the planet Rhea 3. The following statement was delivered by her office to a special session of Congress: “The terrible events on Rhea 3 have not only demanded... Read more
Guardian Nanite Torpedoes Enter Production
Post Views: 1,095 *Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Deliveries are urgently needed to begin manufacturing a new weapon capable of causing severe damage to Thargoid Titans. Professor Ishmael Palin has been leading on the project, using theories developed by Ram Tah. Aegis released an official statement on all newsfeeds: “We can... Read more
Catastrophic Earthquakes Strike Rhea 3
Post Views: 1,054 A series of high-magnitude earthquakes on the planet Rhea 3 have caused widespread devastation and millions of casualties. Massive seismic activity across the northern continent has effectively shattered dozens of towns and cities, including the capital New Greenacre. The intense tremors also triggered tsunamis in the... Read more
Anti-Titan Project Boosted by Thargoid Spire Materials
Post Views: 982 *Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Chemicals harvested from Thargoid spire sites have accelerated Aegis’s development of a weapon to destroy the Titans. Professor Ishmael Palin requested samples of coral sap, impure spire minerals and semi-refined spire minerals, which were delivered to the Arque system. These will be used... Read more
Harvest Thargoid Materials for Anti-Titan Project
Post Views: 996 *Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Aegis is urgently requesting deliveries of Thargoid spire site materials to Professor Ishmael Palin in the Arque system. The alien minerals are needed for vital research based on a new theory by the engineer Ram Tah. His research has suggested a method of... Read more
Guardian Deliveries Accelerate Anti-Titan Project
Post Views: 975 *Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Shipments of Guardian relics and Unclassified relics have boosted hopes of developing a weapon against the Thargoid Titans. The Aegis-led initiative gathered supplies of the crystalline relics left behind by the Guardian species, as well as the Unclassified relics that result when they... Read more
Winters Appoints Future Cabinet Members
Post Views: 789 President-elect Felicia Winters has officially selected new heads for each executive department of the Federal government. She announced her choices during a session of Congress, where she gave a short speech about her upcoming presidency. This was followed by a similar statement from Isolde Rochester, who... Read more
Guardian Relics Needed for Anti-Titan Research
Post Views: 671 *Pilots’ Federation ALERT* The engineer Ram Tah requires urgent deliveries of Guardian relics and Unclassified relics to the Meene system. Professor Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis, made an announcement to launch the initiative: “Since the arrival of the Thargoid Titans, we have developed several new modules... Read more