Emperor Arissa Ambushed in Cubeo System
Emperor Arissa has survived an assault on her convoy in the Cubeo system. Imperial Guard pilots fought off the perpetrators in a brief but intense firefight. The Emperor was returning from a state visit to Cubeo 3, where communities across the planet were hosting a biennial harvest festival in... Read more
Superpowers Talk on the Financial Impact of War
Vox Galactica has released an in-depth piece about the economic impact of the Thargoid war on the galaxy’s superpowers. Senior Political Journalist Vanya Driscoll compiled the piece over several months after witnessing the increasing strain and instability in systems galaxy-wide. The report boasts interviews with high-ranking individuals across the... Read more
Anti-Titan Project Boosted by Thargoid Spire Materials
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Chemicals harvested from Thargoid spire sites have accelerated Aegis’s development of a weapon to destroy the Titans. Professor Ishmael Palin requested samples of coral sap, impure spire minerals and semi-refined spire minerals, which were delivered to the Arque system. These will be used to produce an... Read more
Zemina Torval Returns to the Senate
The Imperial Senate has formally welcomed back Senator Zemina Torval, following an absence of several months. Torval’s reappearance put an end to rumours that she was suffering from ill health. Her youngest daughter, Senator Petra Torval, had been standing in for her mother by representing the Imperial populace of... Read more
Empire Continues ‘Protective Sanctuary’ for Abductees
Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has decided that all Imperial citizens recovered from Thargoid Titans will remain in quarantine indefinitely. An official pronouncement on behalf of the Emperor was distributed by the Imperial Palace: “Every subject of the Empire who was abducted by the Thargoids is receiving the highest possible quality... Read more
Mining Campaign in LHS 3872 Concludes
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Torval Mining Ltd has announced that sufficient quantities of mined resources were delivered to its subsidiary faction. The Aristocrats of Cuacocha, who control the LHS 3872 system, received the shipments of mined lithium hydroxide, painite, praseodymium and tritium. They have confirmed that all participating pilots can... Read more
Alliance Reviews Sirius Defence Pact
The Alliance Assembly has approved a formal evaluation of its strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation. The vote to launch an independent inquiry was led by Councillor Nakato Kaine, who summarised: “This partnership has been in effect for nearly two years. What tangible military support have we seen? Sirius... Read more
Torval Mining Campaign Marks Ownership Change
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* A mining initiative is being held in the LHS 3872 system, as Torval Mining Ltd welcomes its new CEO. Senator Zemina Torval, owner of the Imperial company until recently, has formally transferred her controlling shares to her eldest daughter. Constantia Torval was already director of operations,... Read more
Concerns Raised over Titan Returnees
People who were recovered from the Thargoids have been flagged as potential biohazards by an Imperial medical institute. Dr Zoe Terentia , chief researcher at Kamadhenu Medipure , published her findings in the Citizens Chronicle. “Our analysis of abducted Imperial citizens currently in isolation has yielded disturbing results. There... Read more
Winters Outlines Her Future Presidency
President-elect Felicia Winters has discussed her election victory and other topics during an interview with The Federal Times. On defeating Vice President Jerome Archer: “One cannot dispute that Archer played his campaign straight, with none of the underhanded tricks utilised by some of his predecessors. But the election results... Read more