Achilles Aerospace releases full selection of Supercruise Overcharge modules
A suite of new Supercruise Overcharge Frame Shift Drives entered the market earlier this week alongside several other upgrades to the new modules. To celebrate the company’s recent success, Dr. Namin Tirel, Achilles Aerospace’s Head of Research and Development, offered a rare interview to Vox Galactica: “It boggles the... Read more
Ship manufacturers must “rise to the challenge” of Supercruise Overcharge
Users of the Supercruise Overcharge function of Achilles’ new Frame Shift Drives have reported that the module puts ships under immense mechanical and thermal stress, often causing severe hull damage. Ship manufacturers throughout the galaxy are now diverting research towards overcoming this issue. Stent Jackson, a ship engineering and... Read more
Anti-Guardian field project yields breakthrough – New modifications available
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* The engineer Ram Tah has discovered a method of immunising existing Guardian modules against the effects of anti-Guardian fields. Earlier this year, Ram Tah discovered that certain Guardian relics revealed and activated nanite clusters when exposed to specific electromagnetic frequencies. These nanites proved disruptive to Thargoid... Read more
Prototype Frame Shift Drive almost production ready, competitor sceptical
Material gathered from the Titan Taranis wreckage has reportedly allowed Achilles Aerospace to complete the research on their prototype Frame Shift Drive. The recent initiative sponsored by Achilles Aerospace saw over 5000 independent pilots enter the hazardous wreckage of Titan Taranis, retrieving enough Titan Drive Components to allow Achilles... Read more
Achilles Aerospace urges pilots to plunder Titan wreckage
Intense investment into research on Titan travel has been announced by the aerospace subdivision of the famed robotics company. Their research has been centred on the method used by the Thargoid Titans to travel at speeds well beyond that of humanity’s current technological capacity. A spokesperson for Achilles Aerospace... Read more
Titan Taranis destruction yields extensive data for research projects
The recent destruction of Titan Taranis has yielded a significant amount of data that scientists across the galaxy have begun interrogating. Science correspondent Leon Banerjee summarised for Vox Galactica: “Research on Titans has been ongoing since their first appearance, and understanding how they function has been considered crucial to... Read more
Guardian Deliveries Accelerate Anti-Titan Project
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Shipments of Guardian relics and Unclassified relics have boosted hopes of developing a weapon against the Thargoid Titans. The Aegis-led initiative gathered supplies of the crystalline relics left behind by the Guardian species, as well as the Unclassified relics that result when they interface with Thargoid... Read more
Guardian Relics Needed for Anti-Titan Research
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* The engineer Ram Tah requires urgent deliveries of Guardian relics and Unclassified relics to the Meene system. Professor Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis, made an announcement to launch the initiative: “Since the arrival of the Thargoid Titans, we have developed several new modules to bypass their... Read more
Utopia Shares Update on Nemesis Failsafe
Simguru Pranav Antal has discussed Utopia’s analysis of the designs for a Guardian-based device allegedly constructed by Salvation. The schematics for the Nemesis Failsafe were unearthed by Seo Jin-ae, who believed that Salvation had developed a way to digitise and relocate his mind upon physical death. Following concerns that... Read more
Concerns Raised over Titan Returnees
People who were recovered from the Thargoids have been flagged as potential biohazards by an Imperial medical institute. Dr Zoe Terentia , chief researcher at Kamadhenu Medipure , published her findings in the Citizens Chronicle. “Our analysis of abducted Imperial citizens currently in isolation has yielded disturbing results. There... Read more