Enhanced AX Weapon Update
Post Views: 1,206 Pilots’ Federation ALERT The continued project to provide enhanced AX weaponry for all ships has announced its latest progress update. Independent pilots have been tasked with establishing a manufacturing base at select locations in the core systems. Thanks to these focused efforts, the following weapons are... Read more
The Darkest Days
Post Views: 1,191 Newsfeeds have published their reactions as the Thargoid Maelstroms launch fleets to overpower multiple inhabited systems. Sol Today: “Be in no doubt: we are in a war for survival! Dark days are upon us. No more ridiculous ideas of peace with the aliens. No more time... Read more
Carnage Wrought by Further Maelstroms
Post Views: 924 *Pilots’ Federation ALERT* The rogue signal sources Cocijo and Oya have arrived at their estimated destinations. Their impact mirrored that of the Taranis, Indra and Leigong Maelstroms. A total of 16 neighbouring systems were immediately overwhelmed by Thargoid fleets, which launched devastating bombardments against orbital starports... Read more
Chase Admits Kingfisher Mission ‘A Mistake’
Post Views: 941 Congressman Dalton Chase has made a public statement regretting his involvement with the Thargoid Advocacy Project. Chase became a member of Congress after an electoral campaign focusing on inter-species diplomatic relations. He was a key organiser and fundraiser for the Kingfisher megaship, which attempted to open... Read more
Plans for Enhanced AX Weaponry Accelerate
Post Views: 925 Two leading engineers have revealed designs to improve the stock anti-xeno weaponry available to pilots. Liz Ryder and Zacariah Nemo have provided module modifications for many years, specialising in explosive and kinetic weapons respectively. Over the past year they have collaborated privately on the AX weapon... Read more
Refugees Flee from Thargoid Offensive
Post Views: 953 Millions of people are being evacuated from systems that have suffered devastating attacks by Thargoid fleets. An enormous humanitarian effort is underway, with rescue megaships positioned at key locations near each Thargoid-occupied system. Captain Justine Kemp of Rescue Ship Hutner, currently stationed in Enayex, described their... Read more
New Maelstroms Increase Thargoid Conquests
Post Views: 977 *Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Two more rogue signal sources have reached human space, wreaking similar destruction to the Taranis Maelstrom. The Indra anomaly arrived in the HIP 20567 system, with the Leigong anomaly slowing to a halt in HIP 8887. The Maelstroms, as these entities have been... Read more
Havoc as Thargoids Overrun Multiple Systems
Post Views: 1,034 *Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Nine systems have called for help against massive Thargoid attacks intent on wiping out civilian populations. Ernesto Rios, field correspondent for Vox Galactica, reported: “The arrival of what military scientists have labelled the ‘Taranis Maelstrom’ has brought terror and carnage to millions. As... Read more
Vista Genomics Boosts Biodata Payouts
Post Views: 882 *Pilots’ Federation ALERT* The exobiology company Vista Genomics has increased payments for genetic data collected by independent pilots. Dr Klaus-Peter Sonnek , one of the corporation’s research directors, outlined the changes in a press release: “Public and corporate interest in xenology-related fields remains high, but recent... Read more
Taranis Unleashes Thargoid Invasion Fleets
Post Views: 1,035 *Pilots’ Federation ALERT* The Taranis anomaly has arrived in Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6, triggering a ferocious wave of Thargoid attacks in the region. Multiple inhabited systems are experiencing wide-scale invasions by countless numbers of Thargoid vessels, with casualties expected to number millions in the coming days.... Read more