The concluding article in a series by historian Sima Kalhana, providing an overview of last year’s key events. “The aftermath of the Battle of HIP 22460 was an unsettling time. With Salvation dead, Azimuth Biotech fell under new management and struggled to maintain prominence. The Empire withdrew from further...
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Sima Kalhana continues her review of the most significant historical events that occurred during the past year. “In May 3308, the Thargoid invasions of the Didio, Novas and Sosong systems were completely repelled by the use of Salvation’s unique superweapons. This convinced the Alliance, Empire and Federation to support...
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Newsfeeds have published their reactions as the Thargoid Maelstroms launch fleets to overpower multiple inhabited systems. Sol Today: “Be in no doubt: we are in a war for survival! Dark days are upon us. No more ridiculous ideas of peace with the aliens. No more time for politics or...
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*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* The rogue signal sources Cocijo and Oya have arrived at their estimated destinations. Their impact mirrored that of the Taranis, Indra and Leigong Maelstroms. A total of 16 neighbouring systems were immediately overwhelmed by Thargoid fleets, which launched devastating bombardments against orbital starports and planetary infrastructure....
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*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Nine systems have called for help against massive Thargoid attacks intent on wiping out civilian populations. Ernesto Rios, field correspondent for Vox Galactica, reported: “The arrival of what military scientists have labelled the ‘Taranis Maelstrom’ has brought terror and carnage to millions. As soon as the...
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Investigations in the Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 system have confirmed that Thargoid vessels attacked and destroyed the Kingfisher megaship. Vox Galactica published this on-the-scene report from field correspondent Ernesto Rios: “Independent and Federal sources have verified that the Kingfisher was struck by multiple barrages from Thargoid weaponry. Medical teams...
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Professor Alba Tesreau, Professor Ishmael Palin and Ram Tah have released a joint statement regarding the alien sound heard at HIP 22460. “There has been much speculation about the mysterious noise that was recorded following the Battle of HIP 22460, which is clearly of Thargoid origin. Thanks to the...
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Azimuth Biotech has announced a campaign in the Wandrama system to expand its military and surface facility capacity. The controversial weapons developer has seen a recent downturn in fortunes, due to fierce opposition by independent pilots protesting Azimuth’s history of illicit research. The failure of Salvation to bring an...
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The rise of the xeno-peace movement has caused a number of public figures to discuss coexisting peacefully with the Thargoid race. With military options currently under discussion in the political capitals of all three superpowers, calls for diplomacy have sought to keep pace. Professor Shamus Madigan, Head of Xenology...
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The Imperial Senate has debated contributing to anti-xeno activities such as Aegis or a unified superpower fleet. Senator Caspian Leopold initiated the discussions among his colleagues, stating: “One would never criticise Her Majesty’s priority to defend the Empire above all else. Nevertheless, we face an adversary that how shown...
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