Alliance Urges Restraint Between Superpowers
Allied and independent leaders have called upon the Empire and the Federation to discourage faction hostilities following conflict in Tavgi. Political journalist Conrad Sterling summarised the latest developments for Vox Galactica: “Minor skirmishes between superpower-aligned factions are not uncommon. But the Caine-Massey and Torval Mining Ltd corporations have significant... Read more
Seo Jin-ae: ‘I Believe Salvation Survived’
Aegis has published a personal statement from Seo Jin-ae, who claims to have evidence that Salvation planned to escape death in the HIP 22460 system. “First of all, yes, Caleb Wycherley died when the Thargoids attacked the Bright Sentinel in HIP 22460. But, I believe, only physically. He was... Read more
Thargoid War Update: March 3309
Vox Galactica correspondent Jade Sanderlyn reports on the latest developments regarding the war against the Thargoids. “In the broad sense, there have been few significant changes in Thargoid tactics. The eight Maelstroms continue to send waves of Thargoid vessels deeper into the core systems. Anti-xeno forces are certainly winning... Read more
Aegis Recommends Preventative Anti-Xeno Tactic
*Pilots Federation Alert* An analysis of the ongoing Thargoid war has been released by Aegis and made available to all superpower and independent navies. The focus of the report centres on protecting systems at threat of Thargoid invasion. It suggests that anti-xeno forces are primarily fighting Thargoid invasion fleets... Read more
Marlinists Facing ‘Increasingly Grave’ Future
The Marlinist Colonies are struggling to survive the harsh realities of independence while preparing for the impact of the Thargoid war. An editorial in The Marlin Standard summarised their situation: “In recent months, our noble goal of building a Marlinist Republic has been harshly curtailed. Many of the original... Read more
Caustic Sink Launcher Aids Maelstrom Exploration
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Aegis’s initiative in the Duamta system has kick-started production of a ship module designed for caustic environments. Shipments of advanced catalysers, heatsink interlinks and palladium were delivered following a request from Professor Alba Tesreau. Pilots also provided tissue samples extracted from the caustic generators inside each... Read more
Thargoid War Update: February 3309
An overview of recent developments regarding the Thargoid conflict, as reported by Jade Sanderlyn on the Vox Galactica newsfeed. “Over the last month, Thargoid fleets have continued expanding outwards from the eight Maelstroms. The front lines of the war are relentlessly encroaching deeper into the core systems, leaving desolation... Read more
Aegis Launches Caustic Sink Launcher Initiative
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Deliveries are requested in Duamta to fast-track production of a module that protects ships in caustic environments. Professor Alba Tesreau, the head of Aegis, provided these details: “We are grateful to Aden Tanner for personally testing our prototype caustic sink launcher. The electrochemical reaction within the... Read more
Maelstrom Protection Technology Undergoes Testing
Aegis has produced a prototype module that increases a ship’s ability to survive within caustic environments. Professor Alba Tesreau, head of the newly reformed agency, published this statement: “The blueprints provided by Petra Olmanova have been rapidly developed by Aegis’s newly acquired chemical engineers, metallurgists and ship technicians. Utilising... Read more
Princess Aisling ‘Understood Risk of Speaking Out’
Princess Aisling Duval has assumed oversight of the Empire’s contributions to the tri-superpower agency Aegis. She discussed her new role during an interview with The Imperial Herald: “Loathe though I was to defy the Emperor’s decree, every instinct told me that the Aegis initiative can develop methods of protecting... Read more