Salvation has announced that his partner organisation Taurus Mining Ventures is a modern incarnation of Azimuth Biochemicals. The revelation came via a public statement across all media channels: “This is Salvation. In light of recent speculation, we are rebranding Taurus Mining Ventures as Azimuth Biotech. My intent is to... Read more
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Forces involved in an attempted coup on Archon Delaine’s syndicate have been soundly defeated in the HIP 10792 system. Vidar Trask, formerly an arch-corsair in the Kumo Crew syndicate, was declared dead when his private vessel was destroyed during the conflict. The few surviving ships in... Read more
The anonymous scientist Salvation has made a statement following his latest success against the Thargoids. The message was broadcast across all public channels: “This is Salvation. The deployment of my anti-xeno superweapons in the Didio, Novas and Sosong systems was highly effective, just as I anticipated. Billions of lives... Read more
An insurrection led by Arch-Corsair Vidar Trask has failed to gain control of the Kumo Crew syndicate. Vox Galactica featured a report by freelance correspondent Karleen Troy: “As might be expected, it’s hard to obtain official data when conflict breaks out within a criminal organisation. But all the information... Read more
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* The invading Thargoid forces in the Didio, Novas and Sosong systems have been completely repelled by Salvation. Vox Galactica journalist Jade Sanderlyn published this account: “We’ve received confirmation from Commodore Morag Halloran that three anti-xeno superweapons were activated in Didio, Novas and Sosong. This caused the... Read more
The journalist Jade Sanderlyn of Vox Galactica was recently invited to conduct rare public interviews with admirals of the three superpowers. This excerpt is from a conversation with Admiral Henry Paul Atherton of the Empire. Jade Sanderlyn: This is Jade Sanderlyn reporting for Vox Galactica. I am sitting with... Read more
The journalist Jade Sanderlyn of Vox Galactica was recently invited to conduct rare public interviews with admirals of the three superpowers. This excerpt is from a conversation with Admiral Henry Paul Atherton of the Empire. Jade Sanderlyn: This is Jade Sanderlyn reporting for Vox Galactica. I am sitting with... Read more
Mahon Reprimanded over Reorte Conflict
allianceedmund Mahongalactic Newsli Yong-Ruisirius corporationwars / conflicts 25 February 2022
The Alliance Assembly has delivered an official rebuke to its prime minister following the recent skirmish in the Reorte system. There have been heated debates following the conflict between Reorte Mining Coalition and Sirius Corporation. This was triggered by the megacorp’s unpopular attempt to establish a presence in the... Read more
Battle of Summerland Ends NMLA Threat
ACTarissa Lavigny-DuvalempirefederationNMLAwars / conflicts 24 February 2022
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* The Empire has carried out reprisals against the rogue faction Darkwater Inc in the Summerland system. The private military firm had trained NMLA terrorists and held Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval captive, on the orders of a cabal of senators named the Lords of Restoration. Darkwater mustered an... Read more
New Thargoid Assaults in Three Systems
aegisfederationindependentsportthargoidswars / conflicts 11 February 2022
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* The HIP 12314, Dan and Nauni systems have come under heavy attack by Thargoid vessels. Vox Galactica featured this report by freelance war correspondent Jade Sanderlyn: “The Thargoids have been unusually aggressive in recent months, as attested by the drifting wreckages of many independent ships. When... Read more