The Federal Intelligence Agency has revealed that members of the Far God cult are disappearing in large numbers. Senior Agent Micah Whitefield told the media: “On several occasions, our agents have entered hive-chapels only to discover them completely empty. Intelligence from independent systems describes how entire chapters of the... Read more
Ulyanov Arrested
Far God cultfiagalactic Newsthargoids 17 August 2018
Dr Alfred Ulyanov, a leading exotheologian and an authority on the Far God cult, has been apprehended as a suspected Thargoid sympathiser. The arrest took place at Dr Ulyanov’s home in the Rana system, where he and his family were taken into custody by the Federal Intelligence Agency. Research... Read more
Admiral Aden Tanner has confirmed reports that Aegis’s Eagle Eye installations are offline. The development is the result of Thargoid-sensor related interference at Dantec Enterprise, home of Aegis Core, which has neutralised Aegis’s ability to transmit data to the orbital installations. The Eagle Eye installations play a vital role... Read more
Week in Review
aisling DuvalFar God cultfiajarl toredoLeague of ReparationpleiadesthargoidsunchainWeek and year in review 11 August 2018
Here are this week’s major stories. A ship transporting former rear admiral Riri McAllister has vanished. McAllister, also known as Nexus, was on trial for her crimes as the founder of terrorist group the League of Reparation. While it is likely that the ship was destroyed by the League’s... Read more
The Federal Intelligence Agency has apprehended further members of the Far God cult, to determine if they are communicating with the Thargoids. Media channels report a division in public opinion regarding the FIA’s actions. Some see the arrests as illegal and tantamount to religious persecution. Others claim that the... Read more
The Federal Intelligence Agency has launched an investigation into the Far God cult. Several members of the sect have been arrested for interrogation. Senior Agent Micah Whitefield of the FIA released this statement: “Given the organisation’s proclaimed interest in the Thargoids, it is vital that we confirm they are... Read more
Week in Review
aisling DuvalallianceFar God cultguardiansLeague of ReparationthargoidsWeek and year in review 28 July 2018
Here are this week’s major stories. The League of Reparation has been dismantled, according to the tri-superpower taskforce investigating the organisation. The announcement followed a successful operation to remove League forces from two systems – one in Federal and one in Imperial space. Riri McAllister, the League’s central coordinator,... Read more
The Church of Eternal Void, a fringe group that venerates the Guardians, has been declared illegal in every system where it operates. Cardinal Hieronymous and other senior members of the Church have been arrested for inciting acts of violence against the so-called ‘Far God’ sect, which worships the Thargoids.... Read more
Week in Review
aisling Duvalalliancefiajasmina Halseyjasmina Halsey’s disappearanceLeague of Reparationsciencesthargoidswars / conflictsweddingWeek and year in reviewzemina Torval 14 July 2018
Here are this week’s major stories. Admiral George Varma of the Alliance Council of Admirals has been arrested by the taskforce investigating terrorist organisation the League of Reparation. Admiral Varma stands accused of redirecting cargo shipments from the Alliance Defence Force to terrorist cells. It is thought that Varma... Read more
Cobra Wing, an independent organisation based in Ebor, has launched an initiative to build a new research outpost in the system. The outpost will support further research into the Thargoids, focusing specifically on the possibility of inter-species communication. A spokesperson for Cobra Wing gave the following statement: “Without communication,... Read more