Veroklist Campaign Concludes
empiregalactic News 17 May 2018
A spokesperson for the Moritasgus Imperial Corporation has announced that its appeal for commodities has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Hundreds of pilots supported the initiative by delivering commodities to Vaucouleurs Vision, and by protecting traders in the Veroklist system. Moritasgus Imperial Corporation spokesperson Superintendent Arnold Cochran... Read more
Here are this week’s major stories. There has been widespread disquiet over recent reports that Thargoid ships have been encountered in the core systems. Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison for Aegis, addressed these concerns, saying, “Reports that the Thargoids are encroaching upon the core systems en masse are... Read more
The Empire has announced plans to construct a new Riker-Class Prison Ship in the Veroklist system. Once complete, the ship will house criminals who accepted a period of Imperial slavery in lieu of a jail sentence, but who have proved to be too dangerous or unstable for such corrective... Read more
Covert Organisation Discovered
assassination of Nestor Cartesiusempiregalactic NewsinraLeague of Reparation 4 May 2018
The Imperial Internal Security Service has discovered that the murderer of Senator Nestor Cartesius was acting on behalf of a secret organisation. Captain Niamh Seutonia, leading the IISS investigation into Cartesius’s death, made this statement: “We had determined Senator Cartesius was killed by a nerve toxin, and that whoever... Read more
Week in Review
assassination of Nestor Cartesiusempireinrajasmina HalseyLeague of ReparationWeek and year in review 21 April 2018
Here are this week’s major stories. Imperial Senator Nestor Cartesius has been found dead at his home on Capitol. His death is being treated as a homicide. A note found at the crime scene and believed to have been written by the murderer read: ‘For Jameson’. It has been... Read more
Imperial Senator Murdered
arissa Lavigny-Duvalassassination of Nestor Cartesiusempiregalactic NewsinraLeague of Reparationsciences 20 April 2018
Imperial Senator Nestor Cartesius has been found dead at his home on Capitol. Regional media streams have confirmed that his death is being treated as a homicide. Captain Seutonia of the Imperial Internal Security Service conveyed the facts at a press conference: “The body of Senator Cartesius was discovered... Read more
The Rind Gold Electronics Org Campaign has announced that its campaign has reached a successful conclusion. Large quantities of research materials and mined resources were delivered to Wegner Market over the past week, allowing the Empire to proceed with the construction of a new pilot-training centre. A spokesperson for... Read more
The Rekohu Project
empireInterstellar Initiative & CG 19 April 2018
Angeli Imperial Enterprises, one of the Empire’s key suppliers of foodstuffs and other consumables, has announced plans to build a Bowman-class science vessel. The construction initiative, dubbed the Rekohu Project, will allow the organisation to increase the biodiversity of its crops. Once complete, the megaship will be deployed to... Read more
The Empire has announced an initiative to bolster the superpower’s military strength. The initiative centres on a new training programme designed to create the next generation of starship pilots. A spokesperson for the Rind Gold Electronics Org, which is overseeing the initiative, released the following statement: “Over the past... Read more
Aisling Duval Criticises Aegis
aegisaisling DuvalallianceEagle Eyeempirepolicy/economythargoids 5 April 2018
In a public interview, Princess Aisling Duval levelled criticism at Aegis in relation to the ongoing Thargoid conflict. “The people are scared,” she said. “They fear that their way of life – their very existence – might vanish unless more is done to protect them. I’m not convinced Aegis... Read more