Post Views: 1,918 Senator Torval has criticised the arrival of a Federal warship now stationed in the Luluwala system. “They think they can throw their weight around. Stationing a warship at this small outpost can only be a distraction from their lack of enforcement of their own laws. “They... Read more
Aisling Duval Talks Narcotics
aisling Duvalempiregalactic Newshector Duvalhengist Duval 8 January 2015
Post Views: 1,062 In the popular show “A fireside chat with Serena”, the celebrity royal, Aisling Duval, surprisingly talked through tears about narcotics – “Yes Serena, that’s my early childhood. I hate narcotics and think they should be made illegal. My mother died from them before I was old... Read more
Post Views: 1,075 It seems many private pilots have been helping Senator Patreus’ warships against the government of Durius, and that the government is suffering serious losses. Despite Senator Patreus’ actions Durius has still not settled the debt. Governor Malachai gave the following interview from his governmental headquarters –... Read more
Post Views: 1,047 Rumours are coming in from multiple sources that rebellion has broken out amongst slaves in Ongkuma. This news has surprised commentators given the speed with which the Sorbago rebellion was crushed last year. Some commentators speculate that the rebel leaders are relying on intervention from independent... Read more
Secret Federal Anger now Onionhead Sales at all Time High
federationgalactic Newsjasmina Halseyonionhead 6 January 2015
Post Views: 958 We have seen several off-the-record comments from unnamed Congressmen who are angry at the publicity Onionhead has received from the President’s various announcements, and her criticism of the Admiral of the Fleet. According to reports on black market pricing, the value of Onionhead has soared throughout... Read more
Arissa Lavigny Gives Revealing Interview and Pledges Continuity with Blaine
arissa Lavigny-Duvalgalactic Newshengist Duvalzemina Torval 31 December 2014
Post Views: 1,069 On the Imperial Herald political show, Arissa Lavigny gave a long and detailed interview, hinting that the Emperor’s status was not as serious as some claimed. “We’ve heard a lot of debate between the honourable Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval, and Zemina Torval, but we need to... Read more
Federal Shadow President Demands Lower Taxes
federationpolicy/economy 31 December 2014
Post Views: 1,070 In a statement Shadow President Hudson announced his sympathy for Sanna. “Our taxes are crippling those we most need to help. We waste it on bureaucracy and the lazy. We should be supporting and protecting hard working States like Sanna.” It is understood a Federal Battlecruiser... Read more
Sanna in Bid to Leave Federation
federationpolicy/economy 30 December 2014
Post Views: 1,622 The Congressman for Sanna, Marcus Albertson, has given a speech to his own parliament in Sanna. “Federal taxes are holding back our progress. We say we have democracy but what can we change? Our coffers are sucked dry by the Federation as they lord it over... Read more
Post Views: 1,058 Aisling Duval provided a colourful outburst while discussing Senator Torval’s home system Synteini on the lifestyle show ‘Favourite Holidays’. “Torval is a horrible, twisted old lady. We have no beggars or people going hungry on the streets as they are down her mines working their fingers... Read more
Federal President Announces Tax Rises in New Year
federationjasmina Halseypolicy/economy 29 December 2014
Post Views: 1,013 In a move causing shockwaves throughout Federal space, President Halsey has announced Federal tax increases. “I am sorry and I appreciate people are frustrated about this, but I have to announce further Federal tax rises. This is to cover our ever increasing welfare burden, and high... Read more