Galactic Mysteries: The Far God Cult
The enigmatic Thargoid-worshipping religious order is examined by Erik Gunnarson of the Wallglass Investigations Agency. “Of all the myriad faiths practised across the galaxy, the Far God cult is one of the strangest and least understood. But in recent years it has grown from a fringe sect to a... Read more
Data Required for Marlinist Election
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Rival candidates have requested deliveries of data to help secure their bids to lead the Marlinist Consulate. The Marlinist Colonies are voting for who will be elected as their prime consul. This influential role will diplomatically represent all Marlinists and make broad decisions on their behalf.... Read more
Kumo Crew Campaign Starts Drug Production
*Pilots Federation ALERT* The Kumo Crew syndicate has procured enough materials to introduce a new product to the market. The drug originated with the Blue Viper Club, a piratical travelling community whose dredger is currently in the vicinity of Kumo City station. It was confirmed that enough shipments of... Read more
Marlinist Colonies Face Political Division
The Marlinist Consulate, established to represent Marlinists across the galaxy, has triggered political instability among the colonies. Local newsfeed The Marlin Standard detailed the situation: “The formation of the Marlinist Consulate will shortly conclude with the public election of its leader. The prime consul will serve as the official... Read more
The Story of Onionhead
A new product being manufactured by the Kumo Crew could be a version of onionhead, the controversial recreational drug. Dr Himari Grey, an independent healthcare analyst, published this review on Vox Galactica: “Little is yet known about ‘helix’, but the persistent rumour that it is derived from onionhead has... Read more
Scriveners Clan Abandons the Hesperus
*Pilots Federation ALERT* The dredger belonging to the Scriveners Clan has left the Perseus Dark Region KC-V c2-2 system, where the Hesperus megaship is located. The 200-year-old ‘ghost ship’, once owned by Azimuth Biochemicals, was discovered in April when the nomadic clan began salvaging it for materials and data.... Read more
Kumo Crew Initiative to Produce New Commodity
*Pilots Federation ALERT* The Kumo Crew syndicate is requesting deliveries to mass-produce a recreational drug named ‘helix’. The drug is believed to originate with the Blue Viper Club, a nomadic clan travelling aboard an ancient dredger that recently appeared near Kumo City station. Arch-Corsair Kay Volantyne, representing the Kumo... Read more
Independence Spreads from Azaladshu System
*Pilots Federation ALERT* The Azaladshu Free faction has defeated the forces of Neche Inc and retained independence from the Federation. As a result, the Azaladshu, LFT 824, LHS 277 and LTT 3919 systems have confirmed their independent status. The victory also inspired the Coalition of Uteran, Lp 726-6 Free... Read more
NMLA Political Wing Causes Controversy
The NMLA paramilitary group has confirmed that the Marlinism Reformation Party faction now acts as its political representative. An anonymous statement was broadcast via the NMLA’s propaganda channels: “We support Minister Whyte in representing the Neo-Marlinist cause and speaking on our behalf. Our objectives remain unchanged – the removal... Read more
Dredger Clan Arrives at Kumo City
*Pilots Federation ALERT* A Blue Viper Club dredger has entered the Pegasi Sector PN-T C3-14 system, and may have links with the Kumo Crew syndicate. The Dredger-class bulk cruiser has taken position near Kumo City, one of five starports recently constructed by pirate warlord Archon Delaine. Dredger Clans are... Read more