Kumo Operation to Hit Aisling Duval Ever the opportunists, Kumo Crew commanders have swept across a number of systems controlled by Arissa Lavigny-Duval in the last seven days. They penetrated deeper than in any previous skirmish, and elevated the level of danger faced by Imperial citizens as a result...
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Kumo Crew to Target Lavigny-Duval Systems under the sway of Arissa Lavigny-Duval have begun expressing discontent at the current political situation in the Empire, and the Kumo Crew is taking the opportunity to cause trouble of their own. Leaked military intelligence indicates that hundreds of Kumo Crew fleets will...
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Zemina Torval and Florence Lavigny Join Patreus’ Campaign Senator Patreus has seen a resurgence of support since his declaration of war against the group responsible for Emperor Hengist Duval’s murder. Reports from the campaign have indicated that Emperor’s Dawn is now claiming responsibility for the regicide, although this hasn’t...
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‘Operation Uranus’ Successful This week, Archon Delaine hit back at the renewed Imperial offensive. Using a multi-pronged attack, the Kumo Crew struck hard at systems under the influence of Senator Patreus. Dubbed ‘Operation Uranus’, the campaign successfully pushed the system of Contiku into turmoil. The number of Kumo Crew...
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Claims of Federal Involvement With the long history of conflict between the superpowers, it is not unexpected that some of the more paranoid members of the Imperial population have directed their suspicions concerning the Emperor’s assassination at the Federation. While no-one in authority within the Empire takes these claims...
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Federation Continues Debate on War Dissent is growing within Federation congress over the situation in the Pegasi sector. Though many view the Pegasi Pirate War as a chance to let the Empire waste their resources, a growing contingent is becoming frustrated with the Federation’s lack of response. “Tolerating such...
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Ending Corruption at Home and Abroad Concerns have been raised that the ongoing war of liberation in the Pegasi sector, Operation Davy Jones, has left the Empire exposed to invasion and corruption. Addressing these concerns, Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval had these words for her constituents: “With so many of our...
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Meet the Powers – Felicia Winters Continuing this GalNet exclusive series, political commentator Marcus Macmillan writes his opinion of some of the movers and shakers in 3301. In this fourth article he considers Shadow President Felicia Winters and her sudden rise to power. With the disappearance of President Halsey...
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Operation Davy Jones – Frontline report It has been over two weeks since the Kumo Crew’s attempted expansion into the Imperial system of Cuchua was answered with ‘Operation Davy Jones’. With Imperial Commanders combining their efforts to contain and eventually wipe out the pirate organisation, the Pegasi Sector has...
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The Sirius Corporation – The First of the Mega-corporations In this latest edition of GalNet’s series relating key points in human history, popular historian Sima Kalhana addresses the rise of the first mega-corporation. Apart from a few isolated backwater systems, the presence of mega-corporations is ubiquitous throughout civilised space....
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