Week in Review
aisling DuvalallianceFar God cultLeague of Reparationscienceswars / conflictsweddingWeek and year in review 21 July 2018
Here are this week’s major stories. Mara Klatt of Alliance Interpol has announced that Admiral George Varma, who was arrested last week on suspicion of working with terrorist organisation the League of Reparation, was in fact framed by Rear Admiral Riri McAllister. It is now believed that McAllister is... Read more
There has been a spate of violence against the Thargoid-worshipping Far God cult, resulting in dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries. Since the Church of Eternal Void declared war against the sect, its members have compelled citizens to attack Far God believers in many systems. Several of the... Read more
Week in Review
aisling Duvalalliancefiajasmina Halseyjasmina Halsey’s disappearanceLeague of Reparationsciencesthargoidswars / conflictsweddingWeek and year in reviewzemina Torval 14 July 2018
Here are this week’s major stories. Admiral George Varma of the Alliance Council of Admirals has been arrested by the taskforce investigating terrorist organisation the League of Reparation. Admiral Varma stands accused of redirecting cargo shipments from the Alliance Defence Force to terrorist cells. It is thought that Varma... Read more
The Church of Eternal Void has denounced the so-called Far God cult, which worships the Thargoids. A spokesperson identified as Cardinal Hieronymous made this statement: “As disciples of the Guardians, we hereby declare war on those who have sold their souls to the Thargoid demons. We vow to expunge... Read more
An emergency report from Aegis confirms that the Thargoids have returned to the core systems with an incursion into the Deciat system. Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’s chief military liaison, delivered this statement: “Following the Thargoids’ retreat, all evidence suggested that their surface sites had become dormant. But new data... Read more
Week in Review
aegisaisling DuvalallianceColoniaempirefederationLeague of Reparationpleiadessciencesthargoidswars / conflictsWeek and year in review 23 June 2018
Here are this week’s major stories. Aegis has confirmed that the Thargoid presence in the core systems has been significantly diminished, due largely to the efforts of the galactic community. Although the Thargoids remain entrenched in the Pleiades, their forces in the core systems have been pushed back to... Read more
Aegis has confirmed that the Thargoid presence in the core systems has been significantly diminished, due largely to the efforts of the galactic community. Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison with Aegis, made this statement: “This is a very positive development. Using data from our Eagle Eye network, courageous... Read more
Ships Destroyed by the League of Reparation
allianceempirefederationinraLeague of Reparationwars / conflicts 1 June 2018
The Pilots Federation has reported that five independent ships have been attacked by terrorist organisation the League of Reparation, with the loss of all crewmembers. No details have been released regarding specific names or locations, except that three of the ships were attacked in Alliance-controlled systems, one in a... Read more
An announcement from Simguru Pranav Antal, leader of Utopia, has addressed the possibility that humanity may lose the conflict against the Thargoids. “For many years, our Sim-Archive has bridged the past and the future by digitally preserving the memories of countless deceased individuals. Should there come a time when... Read more
Order Restored in Ross 310
independentwars / conflicts 5 April 2018
Authorities in the Ross 310 system have confirmed that the conflict between Ross 310 Natural Services and the Ross 310 Cartel has come to an end. Both factions received support from independent combat pilots, to whom generous rewards were promised, but ultimately there could be only one victor. Pilots... Read more