Week in Review Week in Review
Post Views: 1,392 Here are this week’s major stories. Admiral George Varma of the Alliance Council of Admirals has been arrested by the taskforce... Week in Review

Here are this week’s major stories.

Admiral George Varma of the Alliance Council of Admirals has been arrested by the taskforce investigating terrorist organisation the League of Reparation. Admiral Varma stands accused of redirecting cargo shipments from the Alliance Defence Force to terrorist cells. It is thought that Varma is the organisation’s coordinator, operating under the alias Nexus.

The Church of Eternal Void has declared war on the so-called Far God cult, which worships the Thargoids. The announcement has prompted a dramatic upswing in support for the Church, but security forces have issued reminders that the Far God sect is recognised as a religion, and that any hostility against its members would be considered a criminal act.

A date has been set for the wedding of Princess Aisling Duval and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester. Senator Zemina Torval remains a vocal critic of the marriage, but Former Federal President Jasmina Halsey has expressed enthusiasm for the union.

In other news, an appeal has been launched to find the owner of a lottery ticket worth one billion credits. The annual Galactic Jackpot is by far the most popular lottery game, but on this occasion the winner has yet to make a claim. Purchase of the winning ticket has been confirmed, but no data is available as to who bought the ticket or when.

Cobra Wing, an independent organisation based in Ebor, has launched an initiative to build a new research outpost in the system. The outpost will support further research into the Thargoids, focusing specifically on the possibility of inter-species communication.

Finally, Didiomanja Emperor’s Grace has announced that its initiative has reached a successful conclusion. Large quantities of exotic food and drink, and mined resources, were delivered to Leydenfrost Dock over the past week, allowing the organisation to host a sumptuous banquet and construct a monument in honour of Admiral Mira Tiverion.

And those are the main stories this week.