According to the Galactic Finance Times, analysis of the largest corporations in the Federation and the Empire reveals evidence of a significant economic downturn in the coming years. “We’re seeing poor revenue forecasts for a wide range of corporations, including big names like Sirius, Gutamaya and Core Dynamics,” said... Read more
The organization known as the Children of Liberty has issued a statement criticizing Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon for his recent remarks concerning the supposed failings of the Federation and Empire. “Prime Minister Mahon has denounced the ‘pettiness and greed’ of his political rivals, but he tolerates those same... Read more
Freelance Report: Could Halsey Shake up Federal Politics?
felicia Wintersjasmina Halseyjasmina Halsey’s disappearancepolicy/economy 22 July 2016
Following the release of former Federal president Jasmina Halsey from the Clearwater Clinic, commentators from around the galaxy are asking the same question: What’s next for Halsey? According to political analyst Emilio Blythe: “If Halsey were to return to politics, it could spell trouble for Shadow President Felicia Winters.... Read more
Galactic News: Imperial Ships to Enter Merope
denton Patreusempirefederationpleiadespolicy/economy 13 July 2016
Following a recent statement from Senator Zemina Torval in which the seasoned politician criticised the deployment of Federal battlecruisers in the Merope system, Admiral Denton Patreus has entered the debate. At a hastily organised press conference on Capitol, Admiral Patreus addressed the Federal intervention: “Like Senator Torval, I believe... Read more
Reports coming in from the Segovan system indicate that the Federation’s campaign to construct an outpost in the system has once again been disrupted. Starport personnel have confirmed that the station is experiencing a wide range of technical problems as a result of Unknown Artefact-related interference. You almost have... Read more
The Federal expansion campaign has been brought to a complete standstill. Ramsbottom Hub in the Segovan system has entered a state of lockdown, and many independent Commanders who had loaded up on commodities are now unable to complete their deliveries. The Federation has yet to make an official announcement,... Read more
Four days ago, the Federation launched a campaign to construct a new Federal outpost in the Segovan system. Federally aligned pilots were invited to contribute construction materials to the campaign, but the request proved controversial, with various sections of the galactic community asking why the Federation was expanding towards... Read more