Freelance Report: Diplomatic Summit in Alioth
A summit for the Alliance of Independent Systems was held at Irkutsk Station this week, attended by ambassadors and diplomatic envoys from an array of political backgrounds. Eleven fleets, from both Alliance and Independent governments, were represented. The main topic under discussion was establishing a framework for a quick-response... Read more
Galactic News: Conspiracy Theorist’s Appeal Ends
Kruger 60 Free has announced that the galactic community has responded with surprising enthusiasm to the recent appeal from conspiracy theorist Ricardo Bentonio. Hundreds of pilots chose to support Bentonio’s campaign, bringing him cartographic data so he could prove that the 29th of February 3302 was an ‘aberrant day’... Read more
Community Goal: Clean up Orulas
For years, the sparsely populated Orulas system has been dominated by the Orulas Blue Hand Gang, a ruthless criminal organisation. This cold-blooded band has been making life intolerable for the system’s inhabitants, but the local government appears reluctant to take a stand. Some have speculated that this is because... Read more
Community Goal: Campaign to Construct New Starport in LHS 3447
LHS 3447 is familiar to many independent pilots, being a popular starting point for those embarking on careers as traders, bounty hunters and explorers. But many of these pilots have bemoaned the relative inaccessibility of the system’s starports. The Pilots Federation, in association with LHS 3447 Dynamic and Co,... Read more
Freelance Report: Emancipation Initiative Inadvertently Stimulates Slave Trade
Princess Aisling Duval’s recent emancipation effort has been criticised following revelations that over seven million slaves were purchased directly from slavers in the systems surrounding Uibuth. These purchases were made by independent traders supporting the princess’s liberation programme. One Commander, who refused to take part in the programme, said:... Read more
Galactic News: Emancipation Initiative Successful
The Prismatic Imperium has announced that its initiative to free indentured slaves has been met with an enormously positive response. Hundreds of independent pilots responded to the appeal, delivering slaves to the new colony at D’Arrest Station in the Uibuth system. All of those admitted to the colony will... Read more
Freelance Report: CIMA Launches Initiative
Benjamin Gorrister, founder of the Carmack Intergalactic Mining Association, has announced an initiative to discover the location of pristine metallic rings. With nearly 300 locations identified so far, the CIMA is currently leading the way in data collection on pristine metallic rings. In a statement, Gorrister said: “In memory... Read more
Community Goal: Free the Slaves
Princess Aisling Duval has announced the creation of new a colony for former slaves in the Uibuth system. According to a statement from the princess’ press liaison, all slaves admitted to the colony will be liberated and re-educated, and offered the protection of forces loyal to Her Royal Highness.... Read more
Galactic News: Okinura Appeal Successful
The Earth Defence Fleet has announced that its initiative to develop the economy of the Okinura system has been a resounding success. The organisation devised a two-pronged strategy in support of its goal – placing an open order for polymers with which to upgrade Fisher Terminal, and setting aside... Read more
Galactic News: Professor Ishmael Palin Missing
Authorities in the Maia system have reported that Professor Ishmael Palin, the scientist conducting research into the Unknown Artefacts, has disappeared. The professor recently announced plans to set up an independent research outpost on the planet Maia b1ba, but it has now been confirmed that the ship carrying Palin... Read more