Galactic News: Yuri Grom Takes the Stage
galactic Newsindependentyuri Grom 27 October 2016 Bot Galnet

The Dangerous Games dominated headlines earlier this year, as some of galaxy’s most powerful minor factions took part in a brutal battle for supremacy.
After weeks of fierce competition involving hundreds of independent pilots, it was the EG Pilots who emerged victorious. Having spent the intervening months consolidating their assets, the EG Pilots are now ready to enter the galactic stage. Consequently, the temporary restriction on preparatory activity in systems within 30 light years of the Clayakarma, Nauo, Gyhldekala, Boga and Kpaniya systems – imposed by the United Research Council partly to allow the EG Pilots an opportunity to secure their position – has now been lifted.
Like all powers, the organisation will seek the support of the galaxy’s independent pilots, who will play a central role in its fate.
Very little is known about the group’s leader, Yuri Grom, although he is understood to have started his career in the Federal Navy, reaching the rank of Admiral before parting with the Federation and entering politics. Following a brief conflict in the Euryale system, in which Grom clashed with his former Federal allies, the ex-admiral emerged as the leader of his own independent power.
Propaganda distributed by the EG Pilots offers a succinct description of Grom:
“Yuri is idolized by his supporters and respected throughout his controlled systems. His support among the populace is absolute, his dominion unshakable.”
One thing is for sure – Grom’s career, and the future of the EG Pilots, promises to be anything but boring.