Slave Rebellion Gains Traction
wars / conflictszemina Torval 20 December 2014
Post Views: 1,169 Reports are coming in that the slaves in Sorbago have taken control of many of the mines on Sorbago A1 and have massacred those in control. We have no reporters on the scene so cannot verify these stories. A spokeswoman for Mastopolos Mining Incorporated, which runs... Read more
Heir to the Throne Officially Mad
harold Duvalhengist Duvalpolicy/economy 19 December 2014
Post Views: 1,071 The sick Emperor Hengist Duval has managed to appear in the Senate, albeit in a travel chair, to issue a decree. He decreed Harold, his son, not of sound mind. This gives some credence to the claim in the more scurrilous news feeds a year ago... Read more
Admiral Vincent Declares a Blockade of Kappa Fornacis
admiral Vincentfederationwars / conflicts 19 December 2014
Post Views: 1,699 Federal Admiral Vincent has declared a blockade of the Kappa Fornacis system to prevent the spread of the narcotic onionhead. Speaking after a meeting at the Admiralty in Quenisset on Mars he answered questions from waiting journalists. “The local government is failing to prevent the spread... Read more
Post Views: 1,148 16 December 3300 was the day President Halsey declared the onionhead narcotic illegal in Federal systems. The outrage amongst the Farmer’s Cooperative may be tempered by the fact that her edict doesn’t seem to have had much effect on Commanders’ activity, quite the oppostite in fact,... Read more
Celebrity Daughter of Heir Declares Slavery Dishonourable
aisling Duvalgalactic News 18 December 2014
Post Views: 1,017 Aisling Duval, arguably second in line for the throne if her parents were married, spoke out against slavery on the chat show ‘Celebrity Pets’, particularly the rebellion in Sorbago. “We should accept that in this 34th century, this is a barbaric practice for people of honour.... Read more
Patreus Declares Zero Taxation
denton Patreusgalactic News 18 December 2014
Post Views: 1,631 In a popular move, Senator Denton Patreus has announced the already low tax regime for all Imperial Citizens under his patronage will be lowered to zero. Before boarding his private yacht he said to reporters present: “It is the duty of the successful to provide well... Read more
Farmer’s Leader Accuses President of Victimisation
federationgalactic Newsjasmina Halseyonionhead 17 December 2014
Post Views: 1,676 Georgio Algeria, the spokesman for the Farmer’s Union in the Kappa Fornacis system, has spoken out at the Federal President’s declaration that Onionhead, the main export from the Kappa Fornacis system, be illegal. At a press conference on Panem he said: “Onionhead is great, cool. Loved... Read more
Patreus Helping Oppressed Rebels in Jera
denton Patreusgalactic News 17 December 2014
Post Views: 1,123 In a move that is sure to worry some independent governments, Senator Denton Patreus has announced his forces have been sent to aid the long-suffering rebels in the Jera system. He answered questions on the steps of the Imperial Opera House on Conversion in the Achenar... Read more
Post Views: 1,121 The Imperial Palace has issued a statement saying that while the Emperor is unwell, it is not as serious as many commentators are suggesting. Nevertheless speculation is rife. The Chancellor, Senator Anders Blaine, has tried to quell the speculation. “The great Emperor Hengist has not involved... Read more
The Rise of Crimson State
wars / conflicts 12 December 2014
Post Views: 1,712 There have been some interesting goings on in the Lugh system, which was a peaceful, Federally controlled system until last week. Then CMDR orfeboy started acting as agent provocateur for the Crimson State Group. “Over the centuries those who could moved to the Lugh system to... Read more