Powerplay Standings: January 3311
Post Views: 105 This month’s analysis of the influence held by key figures in the core systems has arrived, courtesy of Conrad Sterling of Vox Galactica. His latest survey of system populations suggests the following five powers enjoy the largest sphere of influence: Rank 1: Edmund Mahon – 1,403... Read more
HIP 22460 Declared Free of Thargoids
Post Views: 125 Aegis has confirmed that HIP 22460 shows zero sign of Thargoid activity following a blockade organised by AXI and XSF forces. It is theorised that the Thargoids have maintained a varying presence in the HIP 22460 system since at least 3303, due to reports recovered from... Read more
Anti-Xeno Blockade Contains HIP 22460
Post Views: 124 A squadron of AX pilots have planned to sustain pressure on the lingering Thargoid presence in the HIP 22460 system. Led by the respected AXI and XSF combat fleets, the blockade seeks to push Thargoid craft from the area from January 12th. HIP 22460 was the... Read more
Empire Accused of Power Grab in Federation’s Heart
Post Views: 158 Imperial agents have been charged with attempting to seize political influence deep in Federal territory following the Battle of Sol. With the aftermath of the Thargoid Invasion still causing upheaval across populated space, there has been a marked effort by many factions to establish themselves in... Read more
Sandra’s Workshop Asks for Festive Gift Couriers
Post Views: 165 The CEO of leading children’s toy manufacturer Sandra’s Workshop has requested help with parcel deliveries. Sandra Corrs, the much-loved philanthropist who provides gifts to children across the core systems each year, made a similar request two years ago. Then, with the Thargoid invasion just beginning, her... Read more
Titan Cocijo Destroyed, Sol Liberated
Post Views: 232 Paragraphe The last remaining Thargoid Titan has been destroyed in the Sol system, following weeks of fierce fighting between Thargoid and human AX pilots. Titan Cocijo entered a meltdown state 24 hours ago, after pilots were able to jam its heat vents to trigger an overload... Read more
Titan Cocijo Vulnerable in Sol system
Post Views: 242 The last remaining Thargoid Titan, Cocijo, is now vulnerable to attack following a concerted effort by AX forces. Thargoid forces have been pushed back from systems around Sol, where Titan Cocijo currently hangs in orbit above Earth. The lack of support from these systems, as with... Read more
Rescue Megaships Decimated by Thargoid Fleet
Post Views: 189 Almost all rescue megaships deployed to systems near Sol have been destroyed shortly after arrival, Aegis has confirmed. Eight of the eleven active rescue megaships were ordered to systems close to Sol to help with the expected high flow of refugees and civilian casualties following Titan... Read more
Titan Cocijo Devastates Sol System
Post Views: 170 The Thargoid Titan Cocijo has arrived in the Sol system, positioning itself in orbit around Earth. Cocijo’s arrival unleashed a devastating regional assault by the remaining Thargoid invasion fleet. In Sol, only Mars High, Galileo and Haberlandt Survey remain functional, albeit damaged, with all other ports... Read more
Widespread Panic in Sol
Post Views: 174 Confirmation that the final Thargoid Titan, Cocijo, is headed for the Sol system has sparked mass panic among inhabitants. Evacuation efforts in Sol began as a precaution on November 28th, when Titan Cocijo first moved towards the core systems. Once it became clear that Cocijo was... Read more