Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 2,684 The authorities are reporting that they have managed to contain the dramatic increase in black-market trading in the past week with numbers of illegally traded items considerable down on last week. As a result the markets show a healthy rise this week after last week’s slump... Read more
Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 0 Pilots need to beware that, following a dramatic increase in the amount of goods being traded on the black market, particularly Tobacco and Gold, the authorities are cracking down. It is thought that the increase in smuggling stolen goods may be as a result of a... Read more
Alerte aux Pilotes d’Elite de la Fédération
Post Views: 0 Les rumeurs d’un scandale financier englouti actuellement le gouvernement de la Fédération ont diminué le niveau de confiance en la dette fédérale au point que beaucoup la considèrent maintenant comme toxique. Cela semble avoir déclanché un resserrement du crédit affectant aussi bien le niveau de stock... Read more
Alerte aux Pilotes d’Elite de la Fédération
Post Views: 0 Demain c’est l’anniversaire des 30 ans de l’indépendance d’Eranin par rapport à la Fédération et leur guerre froide ressemble à une poudrière prete à exploser. Eranin affiche sa liberté et son fonctionnement de type communiste face aux systèmes Fédéraux en annonçant une liqueur de la célébration... Read more
Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 0 The rumours of a financial scandal currently engulfing the Federation government have knocked confidence in federal debt to the point where many now regard it as toxic. This seems to be triggering a Federation-wide credit-crunch that has affected both the stock levels that merchants are willing... Read more
Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 1 The ongoing uneasy standoff between Eranin and the Federation looks like it is starting to deteriorate ahead of the 30th anniversary of Eranin’s independence. Long range scans and covert agents report a significant mobilisation of Federation forces, indicating that the Federation may be looking to spoil... Read more
Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 0 A recent skills review undertaken by the Pilots Federation has shown a considerable improvement in the general flying skills of all members. Many members have credited the new Docking Computer as a valuable aid, which has seen a good uptake across all shipyards. However, it would... Read more
Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 2 Thought to be as a result of a recent successful recruitment drive, which has seen a marked increased numbers of new Pilot Federaton members, all star ports have reported a significant rise in accidents and violations. Members are kindly advised to take extra care when approaching... Read more
Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 0 In four days time star ports will begin to offer a paint job service for Sidewinder and Eagle ships. Whilst these paint jobs don’t affect the performance of the vessels, we expect them to be popular and the galaxy to become a more colourful place. Black... Read more
Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 0 Black market profits remain stable at around the 50M credits mark, with a dramatic rise in contribution from Progenitor Cells. Most Profitable Black Market Goods: Liqueurs Progenitor Cells Personal weapons Concern is easing over rogue attacks on Pilot Federation members; automatic bounties remain in force and... Read more