Brewer Corporation to Fund Survey Initiative
Cartographics has partnered with us to collect, analyse and process the very latest exploration data, to help calibrate our metrics for optimal colonisation targets.” Brewer Corporation, which constructs Coriolis and Orbis starports, has supported localised expansion efforts in the past. But, until today, it had given shareholders no sign... Read more
Titan Wreckage In Sol Draws Keen Interest
The wreckage of Titan Cocijo far above Earth has attracted thousands of ships over the past several weeks. As extensively reported in December, a huge effort from the Federal Navy, the Pilots’ Federation and other independent pilots brought down the last remaining Thargoid Titan after it assaulted the Sol... Read more
Powerplay Standings: January 3311
This month’s analysis of the influence held by key figures in the core systems has arrived, courtesy of Conrad Sterling of Vox Galactica. His latest survey of system populations suggests the following five powers enjoy the largest sphere of influence: Rank 1: Edmund Mahon – 1,403 systems Rank 2:... Read more
HIP 22460 Declared Free of Thargoids
Aegis has confirmed that HIP 22460 shows zero sign of Thargoid activity following a blockade organised by AXI and XSF forces. It is theorised that the Thargoids have maintained a varying presence in the HIP 22460 system since at least 3303, due to reports recovered from the now-abandoned Fort... Read more
Anti-Xeno Blockade Contains HIP 22460
A squadron of AX pilots have planned to sustain pressure on the lingering Thargoid presence in the HIP 22460 system. Led by the respected AXI and XSF combat fleets, the blockade seeks to push Thargoid craft from the area from January 12th. HIP 22460 was the staging ground for... Read more
Empire Accused of Power Grab in Federation’s Heart
Imperial agents have been charged with attempting to seize political influence deep in Federal territory following the Battle of Sol. With the aftermath of the Thargoid Invasion still causing upheaval across populated space, there has been a marked effort by many factions to establish themselves in systems impacted by... Read more