Azimuth A Historical Perspective (Part Three)
aegisazimuthEagle Eyefederationhesperushistorysciencesthargoids 28 June 2022
An overview of how Aegis was impacted by the rise of Salvation as a competing anti-xeno force. “For now I cannot provide you with my credentials. Suffice to say that I am a man of science, unconnected with modern politics. I am recruiting agents to investigate the work undertaken... Read more
Azimuth: A Historical Perspective (Part Four)
aegisallianceazimuthempirefederationhistoryram TahsciencesSources’ Decryption by Ram Tahthargoids 28 June 2022
A look at the rivalry between Aegis and Salvation during the escalating war against the Thargoids. Salvation’s success in purging the Thargoid presence from the Cornsar system had many repercussions, not least from the aliens themselves. Several inhabited nebulas were suddenly overrun with Thargoid vessels, leading some to believe... Read more