Following reports of mysterious spacecraft in human-inhabited space, the leaders of the galaxy’s three superpowers have released official statements. Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval, currently undertaking a tour of Imperial systems, exhibited reservation: “To surmise that these encounters constitute proof of the existence of non-human intelligence would be rash in the...
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Media outlets throughout the galaxy are abuzz with news of an event that many are interpreting as an encounter with non-human life. According to reports, an independent pilot by the name of Commander DP Sayre was interdicted en route to the Aries Dark Region XU-O b6-3 by a highly...
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The discovery of mysterious wreckage in the Pleiades Nebula has rekindled interest in the so-called Martian Relic, an object discovered beneath the surface of Mars over one thousand years ago. Very little is known about the Relic except that it was discovered in 2280 and is relatively small, measuring...
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As independent pilots flock to the mysterious wreckage in the Pleiades, many have been speculating on the meaning of the discovery. Some believe the wreck is of Thargoid origin, but that rumour has little evidence to support it. One pilot who visited the site shared his opinion: “While the...
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For much of the past week, the galactic community has been captivated by the mysterious shipwreck discovered in the Pleiades Sector AB-W B2-4 system. The wreck, which was found on one of the system’s moons, is believed by many to be the remains of a non-human starship. Given the...
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Recent statements from Professor Steven Eisler of the Okinura Xenobiology Institute appear to have frustrated large sections of the scientific community. Darius Maddox, presenter of weekly science broadcast The Face of the Universe, said, “Eisler isn’t a field scientist – he’s an academic – and to throw around the...
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Following recent reports of a possible alien wreck in the Pleiades, the Canonn Interstellar Research Group has released further information about the Unknown Probe. Shortly after planetary data was found in the Probe’s tight-beam transmission, a message was sent to the Canonn from a pilot by the name of...
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Six months have elapsed since Doctor Elana Lorax warned against the exploitation of the non-human structures commonly called barnacles. In her plea, she noted that aggressive harvesting could jeopardise efforts to produce a viable synthetic alternative to meta-alloys. Despite President Zachary Hudson’s claim that the purpose of the Federal...
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The discovery of what appears to be the remains of a non-human spacecraft has sent ripples of fear and curiosity through the galaxy. “Many are speculating that this is evidence of recent Thargoid activity,” said Professor Steven Eisler of the Okinura Xenobiology Institute, “but it’s more likely that the...
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News feeds throughout the galaxy have received a mysterious message from an as-yet undetermined source. The message, which is reprinted in full below, appears to contain an oblique reference to a particular location, but the nature of the communiqué makes it hard to determine exactly what it refers to....
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