NMLA Makes Political Overtures
The Marlinism Reformation Party, which now represents the Neo-Marlinist fringe, has suggested a peace deal between the NMLA and the Empire. Minister Aaron Whyte explained the proposal during a session of the Marlinist Parliament: “Via anonymous intermediaries, we have received assurances that the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army is keen to... Read more
Electoral Reform Proposed for the Alliance
Councillor Nakato Kaine has suggested that the Alliance’s current electoral system should be replaced by direct public voting. The proposal follows a recent election where Prime Minister Edmund Mahon was reinstated for a second six-year term. Addressing the Alliance Assembly, Councillor Kaine said: “Only allowing council members to choose... Read more
Neo-Marlinist Political Party Emerges
Minister Aaron Whyte, leader of the Marlinism Reformation Party, has confirmed that it aims to politically represent the Neo-Marlinist fringe. At a meeting of the Marlinist Parliament, Minister Whyte declared: “Not all of the Neo-Marlinist community seek a violent uprising to end the Duval family’s thousand-year dictatorship. We can... Read more
Mahon Wins Alliance Election
The election for Alliance prime minister has been won by the incumbent Edmund Mahon, who begins a second six-year term in office. The Alliance Assembly voted yesterday to elect the new head of state. Mahon received more votes than any other candidate, albeit not a majority of the electorate.... Read more
Alliance Election Candidates Announce Community Drives
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Councillor Nakato Kaine have launched rival delivery initiatives in Alliance space. The two leading candidates for Alliance prime minister are attempting to gather public support, although the actual election will be determined by votes within the Assembly on the 27th of... Read more
Alliance Unrest as Mahon and Kaine Clash
The front-runner candidates in the Alliance election have stepped up their campaigns, amid widespread political and civil unrest. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Councillor Nakato Kaine are touring across the Alliance, gathering public support to sway the Assembly when it votes on the 27th of May. Attending a business... Read more
Alliance Election Campaigns Resume
The election of the Alliance prime minister will take place on the 27th of May, having been postponed due to the Galactic Summit. Vanya Driscoll, political correspondent for The Alliance Tribune, reported: “Prime Minister Edmund Mahon’s decision to postpone the election for three months caused enormous disruption and mass... Read more
Winters Claims Civilian Surveillance is Illegal
Shadow President Felicia Winters has claimed that the Proactive Detection Bureau is unconstitutional as it violates the Federal Accord. In an address before Congress, she said: “The Federation’s constitution explicitly guarantees citizens the right to data security and privacy. The PDB tramples over this by raiding everyone’s personal communications,... Read more
Federal Reactions to Communications Surveillance Programme
There have been mixed responses to the Proactive Detection Bureau, which monitors private communications in the Federation for terrorist activity. Mainstream newsfeeds reported on the situation: The Federal Times: “Civil rights groups are united in protest against the PDB. The controversy was also seized upon by the corporatist movement... Read more
Federal Congress Grants Emergency Surveillance Powers
Vice President Jerome Archer has successfully proposed a new public surveillance law designed to prevent future terrorist attacks in the Federation. The Domestic Counter-Terrorism Act was debated in Congress before being approved by a majority vote. It is considered to be emergency legislation that replaces all previous laws regarding... Read more