“We were escorting a cargo ship to Watson Settlement. As we approached, we were intercepted by a pair of Vultures. They asked us to identify ourselves, but I don’t think they were even listening – they just opened fire. The cargo ship took a hit, and then my wingmate... Read more
Freelance Report: Keeping an Eye on Naval Expansion
allianceempirefederationpolicy/economy 29 April 2016
On the popular independent talk show ‘Affairs of State’, political commentator Walter Astoria defended the recent construction of a new Alliance outpost while expressing concern about Federal and Imperial naval expansion. “Who cares if the new Alliance outpost is a listening post? The Federation and Empire are building capital... Read more
Admiral Denton Patreus has announced that the Imperial campaign to construct a new Majestic-Class Interdictor is now complete. A spokesperson for the Mundjiga Patrons of Law, which helped to coordinate the construction effort, confirmed that the galactic community had responded enthusiastically to the initiative, resulting in the delivery of... Read more
Freelance Report: Following the Breadcrumbs
antares’ disappearanceempirefederationpolicy/economy 23 April 2016
Imperial investigator Cornelius Gendymion has released a statement to the Prism Herald addressing accusations that Imperial agents were responsible for the destruction of Starship One. “It seems Federal Times reporter Elaine Boyd’s investigations are being ignored by her countrymen. You may recall that she highlighted the suspicious deaths of... Read more
The construction of a Majestic-class Interdictor in the Mundjiga system requires generous quantities of tantalum, gallium and indium. Threats of piracy and violent protest have already reached the system. To counter these threats, a collective of former security contractors known as the Praetorians have committed their forces to defending... Read more
An Alliance spokesperson has announced that the campaign to establish a new outpost received the wholehearted support of the galactic community. The spokesperson confirmed that significant quantities of robotics, semi conductors and auto fabricators were delivered to Noti Dock, allowing construction of the new station to begin. Harlyn Tavistok,... Read more
Community Goal: Expanding the Imperial Fleet
denton PatreusempireInterstellar Initiative & CG 21 April 2016
Admiral Denton Patreus has announced plans to expand the Imperial Navy with a new Majestic-Class Interdictor. The formidable vessel will boast a range of imposing weaponry, including an array of modular interceptor guns. Lieutenant Severin, who is overseeing the ship’s construction, issued a statement to the media: “I know... Read more
Galactic News: Did the Empire Destroy Starship One?
empirefederationfelicia Wintersjasmina Halseyjasmina Halsey’s disappearancepolicy/economyzemina Torval 15 April 2016
Tensions between the Federation and the Empire look likely to increase following an announcement from Federal politician Jacob Harris. In a statement released to The Federal Times, Harris claimed that the destruction of Starship One was not the result of mechanical failure, as was widely reported, but was in... Read more
Last week, Federal President Zachary Hudson announced plans to construct a new Farragut Battle Cruiser in the Federal system of Beta Hydri. The production of the ship was designed to mark the inauguration of a new arm of the Federal Navy known as the People’s Navy. One Federal source... Read more
Galactic News: End of the Road for Damon Clarke
aisling Duvalemperor’s dawnempiregalactic News 16 March 2016
When the dissident organisation known as Emperor’s Dawn was first brought to public attention, a number of high-profile Imperials were discovered to have connections to the group. One of them was Damon Clarke, a prominent industrialist and a member of Princess Aisling Duval’s inner circle. According to a report... Read more