Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories. Admiral Frederick Yamamoto has been announced as the sixth member of the Alliance Council of Admirals. The position had been vacant for months after the previous appointment, Riri McAllister, was discovered to be the coordinator of terrorist group the League of Reparation. The... Read more
Report on Nova Imperium Leaked
A report compiled by the Imperial Internal Security Service on isolationist group Nova Imperium has been leaked. The Rewired news service broadcast the report in full: “This document compiles our latest intelligence on Nova Imperium, as requested. Although the group has not yet committed any crimes, its threat potential... Read more
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories. A mercenary group has been intercepted by security forces in the Meene system. It is understood that the mercenaries’ primary target was Phoenix Base, home of the engineer Ram Tah. Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, said the attack demonstrated the precariousness of... Read more
A Warning from the Imperator
The isolationist group Nova Imperium has broadcast a message to Imperial citizens via public media. The organisation’s leader, known only as the Imperator, said: “Imperial citizens, your ruler’s weakness has put you in great danger. If we are to survive the Thargoid onslaught, we must sever ties with the... Read more
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories. The investigation into the death of Alliance presidential candidate Fazia Silva has concluded with no convictions. Alliance Interpol confirmed that Silva’s death was a homicide, but said that all avenues of investigation had been exhausted. Tashmira Silva has now assumed control of her... Read more
The Rise of Nova Imperium
A radical group called Nova Imperium is gaining influence throughout the Empire. Imperial Herald journalist Cassia Carvalho highlighted the situation: “Nova Imperium claims that to survive the Thargoid conflict, the Empire must sever contact with all other systems and concentrate on protecting itself. In recent months, the organisation has... Read more
No Leads in Fazia Silva Case
The investigation into the death of Alliance presidential candidate Fazia Silva has concluded. No convictions have been made. Inspector Erin Sangster of Alliance Interpol made this statement: “The death of Fazia Silva has been officially ruled as homicide. The use of a sophisticated nerve toxin and the circumvention of... Read more
Presidential Candidate Murdered
Fazia Silva, one of the three candidates in the Alliance presidential race, has been found dead. She is believed to have been murdered. Inspector Erin Sangster of Alliance Interpol informed the media: “Ms Silva’s body was found in a room at Hume Orbital, where she was staying during her... Read more
Historical Sculptures Stolen
A collection of historically significant artworks has been stolen from the Imperial Museum of Culture on Eotienses A 3. A local media report stated: “The museum’s most popular exhibit is the New Dawn Collection, a sequence of sculptures by legendary artist Lal Candromir. These figures date back nearly a... Read more
Aisling Duval’s Secret Relationship Revealed
Anti-slavery campaigner Jarl Toredo has disclosed that he and Princess Aisling Duval have been conducting a secret romantic relationship, despite her betrothal to Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester. Entertainment journalist Solomon Helios gave full details on his programme: “Following Jarl Toredo’s resignation from Unchain, I offered to tell his side... Read more