Powerplay Standings: February 3311
This month’s analysis of the influence held by key figures in the core systems has arrived, courtesy of Conrad Sterling of Vox Galactica. His latest survey of system populations suggests the following five powers enjoy the largest sphere of influence: Rank 1: Edmund Mahon – 1,431 systems Rank 2:... Read more
Powerplay Standings: January 3311
This month’s analysis of the influence held by key figures in the core systems has arrived, courtesy of Conrad Sterling of Vox Galactica. His latest survey of system populations suggests the following five powers enjoy the largest sphere of influence: Rank 1: Edmund Mahon – 1,403 systems Rank 2:... Read more
Powerplay Standings: November 3310
With a renewed focus on internal politics within the core systems, Conrad Sterling of Vox Galactica has provided an analysis of the current support for key figures of importance based on system allegiance. Population surveys suggest the following five powers lead the way in this early stage: Rank 1:... Read more
Federation Extends Quarantine for Thargoid Abductees
Federal citizens who were captured by Thargoids then rescued from the Titans will not yet be permitted to leave secure medical facilities. The decision comes after the Alliance ended quarantine restrictions for returnees from their systems, with newly rescued civilians expected to spend no more than a week in... Read more
Felicia Winters Elected as Federal President
The Federation has voted to elect Felicia Winters as its next president, with a four per cent vote majority over her rival Jerome Archer. The current shadow president of the Liberal Party will be officially inaugurated in the new year, entering an eight-year term of office. Congressman Isolde Rochester... Read more
Federal Election: The Allied Perspective
The Alliance is observing the Federal president election, but expects little will change in relationships between the two superpowers. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon delivered a formal address on the topic before the Assembly: “The Alliance continues to enjoy stable relations with the Federation. Our recent anti-xeno coalitions, including the... Read more
Alliance Offers Amnesty for Far God Cultists
The Alliance Assembly has submitted an appeal for clemency to Federal Congress for followers of the Order of the Far God. The Thargoid-worshipping faith was outlawed by the Federation in October 3308, after a failed initiative in the Popontia system to outfit a megaship named the Dedicant. Every member... Read more
Archon Delaine Counters Mahon’s Rebuke
Archon Delaine has rejected Prime Minister Mahon’s warning over an alleged attempt to gain control of systems in the California Nebula. “Wake up, Old Man Mahon!” Delaine said in a public broadcast. “The Kumo Crew migrated into the nebula with help from some mutual friends of ours… people you... Read more
Alliance Sends Warning to Kumo Crew
Recent activities by the Kumo Crew syndicate in the California Nebula have been formally condemned by the Alliance. Councillor Jed Trager supervised an investigation into the Kumo Council’s attempt to take control of several systems, ostensibly to defend them against a wave of Thargoid attacks. He summarised its findings... Read more
Mahon: ‘Alliance Will Support Aegis’
The Alliance Assembly has voted to make a contribution to Aegis if the agency is reformed by the three superpowers. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon made an official announcement: “Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval’s change of heart regarding anti-xeno collaboration has triggered swift action from Alliance systems. The Assembly has re-appraised a... Read more