Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories. The investigation into the death of Alliance presidential candidate Fazia Silva has concluded with no convictions. Alliance Interpol confirmed that Silva’s death was a homicide, but said that all avenues of investigation had been exhausted. Tashmira Silva has now assumed control of her... Read more
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories. The Alliance Assembly has decided not to adopt President Gibson Kincaid’s proposed changes to the constitution, and has ruled against imbuing the role of president with executive powers. The Assembly has agreed to update the role, however, with the creation of a new... Read more
Alliance Assembly Revises Presidential Role
The Alliance Assembly has concluded its debate over President Gibson Kincaid’s request for executive powers. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon announced the decision: “The Assembly has voted that President Kincaid’s proposed changes to the constitution will not be adopted, and no executive powers will be granted.” “There was broad agreement,... Read more
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories. Gibson Kincaid has been announced as the winner of the Alliance presidential election, and will continue serving as president of the Alliance. Kincaid obtained a small majority of the public vote, defeating Councillor Elijah Beck. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon said the Alliance Assembly... Read more
Kincaid Wins Election
Gibson Kincaid has been announced as the winner of the Alliance presidential election. He will continue serving as president of the Alliance. Kincaid obtained a small majority of the public vote, defeating Councillor Elijah Beck. Entrepreneur Fazia Silva, the third candidate in the race, was recently found dead, and... Read more
Presidential Candidates Make Final Pledges
The two remaining candidates in the Alliance presidential race have returned to the Alioth system to make their final campaign vows. In the parliamentary chamber of the Assembly, Elijah Beck addressed his fellow council members: “The Alliance occupies a unique position, and as such must remain true to its... Read more
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories. Fazia Silva, one of the three candidates in the Alliance presidential race, has been found dead. There has been speculation that the murder was a political killing, motivated by Silva’s proposed changes to Alliance financial policy. Condolences have been delivered by Prime Minister... Read more
Presidential Candidate Murdered
Fazia Silva, one of the three candidates in the Alliance presidential race, has been found dead. She is believed to have been murdered. Inspector Erin Sangster of Alliance Interpol informed the media: “Ms Silva’s body was found in a room at Hume Orbital, where she was staying during her... Read more
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories. Political journalist Vanya Driscoll has published an analysis of the Alliance presidential candidates. She has observed that while Elijah Beck seems content with the status quo, Fazia Silva has promised to boost the economy, and current president Gibson Kincaid has proposed that the... Read more
Presidential Candidates on the Campaign Trail
The three candidates for the Alliance presidency have spent much of the past week delivering their campaign messages. Incumbent president Gibson Kincaid, who seeks re-election, has demanded radical change to the constitution: “To occupy the same league as the other superpowers, we need a single ruler with overall control.... Read more