Xeno-Peacers Reject Prediction of War
azimuthfederationprofessor Palinram Tahthargoids 14 November 2022 Bot Galnet

A claim that the rogue signal sources form part of a potential Thargoid offensive has been disputed by many in the pro-peace movement.
A joint statement by respected xenologists Professor Alba Tesreau, Professor Ishmael Palin and Ram Tah concluded that the approaching anomalies are a reaction to events in HIP 22460, and may have dire consequences for humanity. The eight signal sources are projected to arrive in the core systems within weeks.
Advocates for the Thargoid Advocacy Project and similar xeno-peace groups have rejected the idea that increased hostilities with the Thargoids is inevitable. As community liaison Bernadette Wells said on the Joy Senne ICE-cast:
“Despite this ominous claim from three respected scientists, they have offered no hard evidence to support the assumption that the anomalies are hostile. I’m sorry, I know Seo Jin-ae has suffered enormously as part of Salvation’s unrelenting obsession with the Thargoids, but I don’t think we should be using her vague instincts to inform official policy regarding this alien species.”
Heimar Borichev, deputy editor of The Sovereign newsfeed, claimed:
“With all the talk of the superpowers forming a grand fleet, why are we not demanding they form a grand diplomatic effort? Many in the Assembly, Congress and Senate agree with this sentiment, but are too scared to risk their careers. We need a concerted campaign, pressuring elected officials to stop listening to the vultures who stand to benefit from continued conflict with the Thargoids.”
Congressman Dalton Chase is one of the few politicians to openly agree with this argument. In an interview with the Federal Free Press, he said:
“The Kingfisher megaship was established to lead a mission of peace with the Thargoids. But imagine how much greater our chances of success would be with official support. I call upon my colleagues in the Federation, and like-minded leaders everywhere, to promote peaceful coexistence as a valid strategy.”