The Emperor’s Ire
aegisanders Blainearissa Lavigny-Duvalempirefederationhadrian duvalnova imperiumpolicy/economy 5 June 2023
Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has responded to criticism from Hadrian Duval regarding her decision to contribute to Aegis. During a public address at the opening of a naval research and development complex on Achenar, the Emperor stated: “For the avoidance of doubt, my decree to halt interaction with the Alliance... Read more
Pulse Wave Xeno Scanner Now Available
aegisindependentprofessor Palinthargoidswars / conflicts 1 June 2023
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* An initiative in Rabh has enabled Aegis to begin manufacturing a module that gathers data about the Titans. Deliveries of ceramic composites, polymers, gallium and indium were immediately put to use mass-producing the pulse wave xeno scanner. Distribution is underway and rescue ships have already begun... Read more
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