Pilots Urged to Defend Proteus Wave Project
azimuthfederationInterstellar Initiative & CGpleiadesthargoids 14 July 2022
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* As the Thargoid presence increases in the HIP 22460 system, Azimuth Biotech and the superpowers call for reinforcements. An urgent bulletin was transmitted from Commodore Morag Halloran aboard the Bright Sentinel: “A series of actions by ‘Operation Wych Hunt’ saboteurs have resulted in delays to Azimuth... Read more
Support Federal Strike Against Crime Syndicate
ACTfederationfiaInterstellar Initiative & CG 14 July 2022
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* The Federation has offered bounties to hunt down all surviving Red Family ships in the Andowatye system. Executive Agent Faisal Sacranie of the Federal Intelligence Agency released this statement: “Information provided by the Proactive Detection Bureau revealed that the notorious Oberon Church has gathered his remaining... Read more