Conditional Amnesty Agreed for Neo-Marlinists
The Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid has been granted sanctuary in the Marlinist Colonies in return for revealing the identities of the NMLA’s leaders. The faction’s survivors arrived in the Hyades Sector RO-P b6-2 system after being defeated by Imperial forces. The Marlinism Reformation Party agreed to offer political asylum,... Read more
The Adamastor Enigma
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Commanders have reported receiving anonymous instructions regarding the 200 year old derelict megaship orbiting Chukchan 5 b. A communications beacon stored onboard the Adamastor began receiving and rebroadcasting an encrypted signal on the 8th of April. Efforts by authorities to trace and decipher the signal proved... Read more
Neo-Marlinists Seek Sanctuary at Marlinist Colonies
Survivors from the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid have arrived in the Marlinist Colonies, requesting political asylum from the Empire. The faction was recently defeated by Imperial forces in the Mudhrid system, after an ACT investigation confirmed that it provided logistical support for the NMLA attacks on starports. Landgrave Delacroix... Read more
Archon Delaine Campaign to Build New Starports
*Pilots Federation ALERT* The Kumo Crew syndicate has launched an initiative to construct up to five starports to stimulate galactic trade. Kavanagh Spaceframes Ltd, an independent construction company, has been privately contracted by the Kumo Council to build fully operational Orbis stations. These will be located in uninhabited systems... Read more
Federal Reactions to Communications Surveillance Programme
There have been mixed responses to the Proactive Detection Bureau, which monitors private communications in the Federation for terrorist activity. Mainstream newsfeeds reported on the situation: The Federal Times: “Civil rights groups are united in protest against the PDB. The controversy was also seized upon by the corporatist movement... Read more
Galactic Mysteries: Dredger Clans
Erik Gunnarson of the Wallglass Investigations Agency discusses the nomadic tribes that wander the galaxy in converted dredger megaships. “It’s well known that there are many travelling communities – groups of people who prefer to live on the move rather than settle anywhere. Proudly independent, they survive on the... Read more
Imperial Senator Visits Marlinist Colonies
Senator Lorcan Scordato has visited the Marlinist Colonies on a fact-finding mission as part of the Empire’s anti-terrorism operations. The Imperial Herald was permitted to publish this summary of his preliminary report: “Considering their recent refugee status, the Marlinist communities are remarkably well-organised. Their government works along republican lines... Read more
The Awakening of the Adamastor
*Pilots Federation ALERT* The Adamastor, a 200 year old ‘ghost ship’ in orbit around Chukchan 5 b, has received a mysterious encrypted signal. The derelict vessel has been undergoing investigation by Alliance Salvage Guild teams since its discovery last October. They released this report: “Months ago, we cut open... Read more
Neo-Marlinist Faction Defeated in Battle
*Pilots Federation ALERT* The Mudhrid system conflict has ended with the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group overcoming the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid. This was triggered by ACT discovering that the Neo-Marlinist faction had provided transports and logistical support for the NMLA’s attacks against nine starports. The Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group... Read more
Federation Begins Anti-Terrorist Monitoring
The Proactive Detection Bureau has been set up by the Federal Intelligence Agency to scan civilian communications for signs of terrorist activity. The new department was formed following congressional approval of the Domestic Counter-Terrorism Act. This was drafted by Vice President Jerome Archer, who told the media: “The PDB... Read more