Sirius Corporation Campaign to Establish Marlinist Colonies
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Commodities are requested to create new settlements for Marlinist refugees who fled from the Empire to the Federation. Sirius Corporation has offered to resolve the current standoff between superpowers by establishing colonies where the refugees can live independently. Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, summarised his... Read more
Coalsack Nebula Project Gathers Ammonia Worlds Data
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Explorers have catalogued many ammonia worlds for a Sirius Atmospherics terraforming project in the Coalsack Nebula. The subsidiary of Sirius Corporation is one of several companies that are working in partnership with the Alliance to commercially exploit the region. Project director Dr Maximilian North announced the... Read more
Universal Increase to Combat Bond and Anti-Xeno Payouts
*Pilots Federation ALERT* The values of combat bonds and anti-xeno bonds have been increased, as factions focus on bolstering defences. Financial instability and the current political tensions have led to factions upscaling their rewards for combat bonds, as well as bonds received for destroying Thargoid vessels. These increases to... Read more
Marlinist Refugee Crisis Grows Critical
Hundreds of thousands of political refugees who fled from the Empire to the Federation have brought both superpowers to the brink of conflict. The Marlinists, who believe in restructuring the Empire into a republic, escaped crackdowns in several Imperial systems during a hunt for Neo-Marlinist terrorists. The Federation has... Read more
Lakon Spaceways Discounts Selected Ships
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Temporary price reductions have been announced for several Lakon vessels, in an effort to increase short-term profits. Lakon Spaceways has applied a 30% discount on sales of the following ship types: Asp Scout Diamondback Scout Keelback Type-7 Transporter Type-10 Defender The reduced prices are expected to... Read more
Capital Ship Construction Initiatives Conclude
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Parallel campaigns in the Empire and the Federation to provide commodities for building new capital ships have ended. The Federal Navy’s construction programme was boosted by deliveries of building fabricators, microbial furnaces and energy grid assemblies. Contributing pilots can now collect their rewards at Schweickart City... Read more
Explorers Needed for Coalsack Nebula Project
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Sirius Atmospherics has requested help from independent pilots to provide exploration data focusing on ammonia worlds for terraforming purposes. The subsidiary of Sirius Corporation is working in partnership with the Alliance to establish colonies within the Coalsack Nebula, and to identify sites of commercial and scientific... Read more
Lakon Spaceways Rejects Core Dynamics Bid
A proposal by the Federal corporation Core Dynamics to purchase the construction company Lakon Spaceways has been officially rejected. Naomi Landseer, chairperson of Lakon’s board of directors, made this statement: “We thank Mr Rochester and his team for their approach. However, I can confirm that Lakon Spaceways will remain... Read more