Week in Review
Here are this week’s main stories. Princess Aisling Duval, patron of the anti-slavery charity Unchain, has criticised activist group Autonomy for freeing thousands of slaves on Eotienses A 3. While sympathising with leader Garrett Kline’s motives, Duval condemned the lack of proper care or long-term consideration for the newly... Read more
Red Family Leader Surrenders
Jan Sandoval, a known founder of the infamous Red Family drug cartel, has unexpectedly handed herself in to the Federal Intelligence Agency. Executive Agent Viola Trask gave a summary of this development: “It’s not unheard of for criminals to present themselves at FIA headquarters in Olympus Village, but Sandoval... Read more
Aisling Duval Condemns Autonomy Group
Anti-slavery charity Unchain has criticised the radical activist group Autonomy for liberating 4,000 Imperial slaves on Eotienses A 3. Princess Aisling Duval, the charity’s patron, told the media: “I fully appreciate Garrett Kline’s desire to free slaves, which I’m sure comes from a place of genuine empathy, but I... Read more
Week in Review
Here are this week’s main stories. The role of President of the Alliance has been abolished following a majority vote in the Alliance Assembly. Prime Minister Mahon stated that the move was intended to prevent any further abuse of power, given Gibson Kincaid’s recently uncovered crimes. The same assembly... Read more
Imperial Slaves Stranded
Four thousand Imperial slaves have been left stranded on Eotienses A 3 after being forcibly freed by emancipation group Autonomy. Independent journalist Gwendolyn Nash reported for Vox Galactica: “Since being set free outside Port Isabelle, the former slaves have been without food, shelter or income. Many complain that they... Read more
Alliance President Role Abolished
The Alliance Assembly has permanently dissolved the role of President of the Alliance, following the recent revelations about Gibson Kincaid’s multiple crimes. Summarising the vote, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon said: “Recent events have made it clear that the presidential position is open to misuse, which places the integrity of... Read more
Evangeline’s Elite Expeditionary Force Appeal Ends
An appeal for materials from Evangeline’s Elite Expeditionary Force has concluded successfully. Following coordinated efforts by the galactic community, a large number of deliveries were completed to Chu City in Shana Bei. The new megaship, EFS Archangel, has now been completed and is currently undergoing final quality checks from... Read more
Week in Review
Here are this week’s main stories. President Gibson Kincaid has been removed from office and arrested following a majority impeachment vote. A number of corporate and political figures supporting Kincaid’s plan to assume executive control of the Alliance have also been arrested. Tashmira Silva, who privately funded the investigation... Read more
Imperial Slaves Freed by Activists
A company that purchased 4,000 Imperial slaves has revealed itself as a slavery emancipation group. Using the name Tilbery Construction, the group claimed that the slave workforce would be used to build a water treatment facility for Port Isabelle, the capital of Eotienses A 3. Instead, the slaves were... Read more
Evangeline’s Elite Expeditionary Force Appeal
Evangeline’s Elite Expeditionary Force has revealed plans to build a megaship in the Shana Bei system. Archangel Evangeline, commander of the faction, made the following announcement: “The successful construction of the megaship EFS Archangel will serve not only the Federation, but the entire galactic community. EFS Archangel will provide... Read more