Order Restored in Ross 310
independentwars / conflicts 5 April 2018
Authorities in the Ross 310 system have confirmed that the conflict between Ross 310 Natural Services and the Ross 310 Cartel has come to an end. Both factions received support from independent combat pilots, to whom generous rewards were promised, but ultimately there could be only one victor. Pilots... Read more
Aisling Duval Criticises Aegis
aegisaisling DuvalallianceEagle Eyeempirepolicy/economythargoids 5 April 2018
In a public interview, Princess Aisling Duval levelled criticism at Aegis in relation to the ongoing Thargoid conflict. “The people are scared,” she said. “They fear that their way of life – their very existence – might vanish unless more is done to protect them. I’m not convinced Aegis... Read more
The ACS Overwatch
Interstellar Initiative & CGthargoids 5 April 2018
The Atlas Corporation has launched a campaign to build a megaship in the Lambda Arae system. The vessel, which will be named the ACS Overwatch, will fulfil a multi-faceted role in the ongoing fight against the Thargoids. A spokesperson for the Atlas Corporation said: “The ACS Overwatch will serve... Read more
The Privateers Alliance has announced plans to build a military installation in the HIP 33368 system. The installation will “reinforce the gates” by defending the core systems from Thargoid forces in the Pleiades. A spokesperson for the Privateers Alliance released the following statement: “We need to make a show... Read more