Galactic News: Conspiracy Theorist’s Appeal Ends
galactic Newsindependent 29 February 2016
Kruger 60 Free has announced that the galactic community has responded with surprising enthusiasm to the recent appeal from conspiracy theorist Ricardo Bentonio. Hundreds of pilots chose to support Bentonio’s campaign, bringing him cartographic data so he could prove that the 29th of February 3302 was an ‘aberrant day’... Read more
Following the recent retirement of the last Saud Kruger Narwhal from the presidential fleet, critics of the Hudson administration have commented on the decision to make use of two Core Dynamics Farragut-class battle cruisers as presidential transport vessels. In an interview with the Federal Times, Congresswoman Kristine Lasky said:... Read more
For the past six years, the Federation has used a pair of customised Saud Kruger Narwhal Liners (upgraded variants of the successful Beluga Liner) as the personal vessels of the Federal president. Last year, one of these vessels was lost in a tragic accident. Today, the remaining vessel will... Read more
Galactic News: Former Federal President Found
galactic Newsjasmina Halseyjasmina Halsey’s disappearancezachary Hudson 26 February 2016
The recent Federal operation to search for survivors from Starship One was eagerly supported by the galactic community, resulting in the safe recovery of thousands of escape pods, many of them containing living survivors. As the task of identifying the pod’s occupants continues, Federal President Zachary Hudson has made... Read more
Community Goal: Clean up Orulas
independentInterstellar Initiative & CG 25 February 2016
For years, the sparsely populated Orulas system has been dominated by the Orulas Blue Hand Gang, a ruthless criminal organisation. This cold-blooded band has been making life intolerable for the system’s inhabitants, but the local government appears reluctant to take a stand. Some have speculated that this is because... Read more
Community Goal: Campaign to Construct New Starport in LHS 3447
independentInterstellar Initiative & CG 25 February 2016
LHS 3447 is familiar to many independent pilots, being a popular starting point for those embarking on careers as traders, bounty hunters and explorers. But many of these pilots have bemoaned the relative inaccessibility of the system’s starports. The Pilots Federation, in association with LHS 3447 Dynamic and Co,... Read more
Freelance Report: Emancipation Initiative Inadvertently Stimulates Slave Trade
aisling DuvalindependentIndependent Report 24 February 2016
Princess Aisling Duval’s recent emancipation effort has been criticised following revelations that over seven million slaves were purchased directly from slavers in the systems surrounding Uibuth. These purchases were made by independent traders supporting the princess’s liberation programme. One Commander, who refused to take part in the programme, said:... Read more