Changes Brewing in the Lugh System
federationLugh warwars / conflicts 13 January 2015
We’ve received reports from the Lugh system of the Federal backed Lugh for Equality faction losing ground in the political struggle with the rising Crimson State Group. According to opinion polls support for the Crimson State Group independence movement has risen to over 66%. The staggering increase in influence... Read more
Despite the continuing ‘Oniongate’ protest on the steps of Congress, Admiral Vincent has announced that surface bombing of Panem in the Kappa Fornacis system has resumed, but this time with targeted, genetically engineered biocides to destroy the onionhead crop. “Automated munitions deployed from orbit, release a gentle mist that... Read more
It seems many private pilots have been helping Senator Patreus’ warships against the government of Durius, and that the government is suffering serious losses. Despite Senator Patreus’ actions Durius has still not settled the debt. Governor Malachai gave the following interview from his governmental headquarters – “It is heart-warming... Read more
Durius Fights Back
denton Patreuswars / conflicts 29 December 2014
The armed conflict between Senator Patreus’s Imperial forces and those of the impoverished Durius system continues. Patreus is paying well for outside assistance, but an exhausted Governor Malachai has spoken out. “What can we do? Our people are dying. We cannot pay even the interest on these crippling debts.... Read more
Slave Rebellion Gains Traction
wars / conflictszemina Torval 20 December 2014
Reports are coming in that the slaves in Sorbago have taken control of many of the mines on Sorbago A1 and have massacred those in control. We have no reporters on the scene so cannot verify these stories. A spokeswoman for Mastopolos Mining Incorporated, which runs the mines and... Read more
Admiral Vincent Declares a Blockade of Kappa Fornacis
admiral Vincentfederationwars / conflicts 19 December 2014
Federal Admiral Vincent has declared a blockade of the Kappa Fornacis system to prevent the spread of the narcotic onionhead. Speaking after a meeting at the Admiralty in Quenisset on Mars he answered questions from waiting journalists. “The local government is failing to prevent the spread of this vile... Read more
The Rise of Crimson State
wars / conflicts 12 December 2014
There have been some interesting goings on in the Lugh system, which was a peaceful, Federally controlled system until last week. Then CMDR orfeboy started acting as agent provocateur for the Crimson State Group. “Over the centuries those who could moved to the Lugh system to be closer to... Read more
Eranin, l’Impasse de la Guerre civile
federationwars / conflicts 30 October 2014
Les forces pro-fédération se sont ralliées à la cause rebelle dans le Système Eranin. Le gouvernement communiste d’Eranin a condamné des attaques rebelles sur des silos de grain autour de la capitale Azeban de Fort Bradley et pour la crise des réfugié loyalistes en quantités croissante. Les commerçants de... Read more
Autres informations
wars / conflicts 29 October 2014
Le conflit n’a pas atteint la Ville “Azeban Orbitale”. Le starport reste sous contrôle gouvernemental, quoique les rumeurs persistent d’un marché noir croissant au profit de la faction rebelle. L’Ambassadeur Eliza Fernandez de l’Alliance Indépendante a refusé de faire des commentaires sur sa détention par des représentants des douanes,... Read more
Echec des Pourparlers entre les Rebelles et Eranin – Guerre Déclarée
federationwars / conflicts 26 October 2014
Hier, les pourparlers entre Eranin et les Rebelles, financés par la Fédération, ont menné à un chaos total. Un ambassadeur de l’Alliance des Systèmes Indépendants était attendu en vue d’apporter son soutien au système d’Eranin – mais il n’est jamais arrivé. Il semblerait que l’ambassadrice Eliza Fernandez se soit... Read more