President Halsey has today officially declared war on the Crimson State Group. Ownership of Lugh has been hotly contested in recent months. The movement for an independent Lugh, led by the Crimson State Group, had managed to achieve a staggering 91% approval rating among the local populace. However, the... Read more
Crimson State Group representatives who were still present on Alioth were forced to make a hasty departure earlier today, as reports of Federal checkpoints being established around local exit points began to hit the Alliance blogosphere. It would appear that the Federation means to finally show its hand in... Read more
The Federation may have won the war in the Banki system, but survivors on both sides are still in a struggle for survival. After a long and bitter conflict, the Federation was able to clutch a victory (as well as a base) after offering greater incentives for Commanders willing... Read more
Senator Patreus and the Citizens of Tradition have been successful in their crusade against the Falisci Purple Gang. Falisci has fallen to Imperial forces and is currently in the process of being assimilated into Imperial society. All outstanding payments due to Imperial veterans of the Falisci war are now... Read more
Falisci in Flames
falisci purple gangwars / conflicts 4 March 2015
Imperial forces have decimated the majority of the Falisci Purple Gang’s fleet, just five days after the Citizens of Tradition declared war against the dreaded pirate crew and their allies. Now only a handful of the Purple Gang’s most stalwart members remain to defend their territory against the Citizens... Read more
Internal Strife Strikes Tanmark
onionheadwars / conflicts 3 March 2015
News is coming out of the Tanmark system of an ongoing conflict having broken out between the Defence Force of Tanmark and a local criminal gang known as the Tanmark Posse. The Tanmark Posse are reportedly the main driving force behind the recent cultivation of Lucan Onionhead in hidden... Read more
Restoring Sanity to Anarchy in Banki and BD+03 2338
admiral Vincentfederationwars / conflicts 13 February 2015
As the Federal Navy begins to move into position around Banki and BD+03 2338, independent Commanders from all corners of the galaxy have started gathering at Antonio De Andrade Vista in Banki and Matteucci Terminal in Khasiri in preparation for the final set of engagements against the Federal rebels.... Read more
Trouble on the Fringe – Balaikda
wars / conflicts 3 February 2015
It seems that even the edges of colonised space aren’t free of problems. A civil war has broken out in Balaikda between two of the system’s minor factions, namely HIP 43760 State Plc and Balaikda Ltd. The former is Federation-aligned and unsurprisingly calls the nearby HIP 43760 home, while... Read more
The Federation has started to insist that its member states follow procedure if they wish to leave. Congressman Jefferson, the Secretary of State for Finance said – “We will take a firm stance against States withholding their contributions to the Federal budget. If States wish to leave, then they... Read more
Patreus Announces Generous Settlement of Dispute in Durius
denton Patreusempirewars / conflicts 22 January 2015
Senator Patreus today announced an end to hostilities in the Durius system. The conflict in Durius began after the ruling authorities defaulted on a large debt that they’d inherited from the previous government. The Senator’s civic management teams are now in the process of taking over control of the... Read more