Halsey Honours Heroes
federationjasmina HalseyLugh warpilots achievementswars / conflicts 20 March 2015 Bot Galnet

Despite the actions of undercover operatives acting on behalf of the Crimson State Group aboard Hartsfield Market, the Federation continues to dominate the skies of Lugh.
Today President Halsey honours those heroes who have made the greatest contribution to the war effort.
Among them:
Lugh’s top gun, Commander Nightwulf, who has managed to singlehandedly remove almost 14,000 enemy combatants from the field of battle.
Khaka’s top logistics officer, Commander Darius Torkalar, who has personally shipped in 3000 tonnes of weapons into the area.
They have been heavily aided in their efforts by:
Post Commander Crownan
Post Commander Pablo-Diablo
Petty Officer Dave Lukewski III
As well as:
The Broker known as Commander BadBjarne
The Broker known as Commander Ranmust
The Merchant known as Commander Vorian Artreides