Freelance Report: Claims of Further Diamondback Sightings
aliens mysteriesgalactic Newspleiades 6 February 2016
In the wake of the recent report from Obsidian Orbital that an unidentified Diamondback Explorer was observed scanning the starport, claims of further sightings have flooded in. A pilot by the name of Commander Doumaz_B asserted: “I just saw one of those odd Diamondbacks circling Zenbei Orbital in Vaka.... Read more
Galactic News: Emperor’s Dawn Shadow Cells Destroyed
denton Patreusemperor’s dawnempiregalactic News 5 February 2016
Imperial Senator Denton Patreus has confirmed that the Emperor’s Dawn ‘shadow’ cells discovered two weeks ago in the Dakshmandi, Ipilyaqa and Ch’i Lin systems have been destroyed. Thousands of independent pilots responded to the senator’s call to arms, resulting in the total destruction of what are thought to be... Read more
Mavia Kain, leader of the Imperial Inquisition, has announced that the group’s campaign to develop the planetary outpost of i Sola Prospect on Brestla A1 has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Members of the organisation were motivated to launch the campaign after becoming frustrated with i Sola... Read more
Galactic News: Federation Begins Analysing Wreckage
federationgalactic Newsjasmina Halsey’s disappearancezachary Hudson 4 February 2016
Over the past week, hundreds of pilots have been searching for signs of Starship One, the Federal presidential vessel that disappeared in May 3301. Two factions had a stake in the search – the Azaleach Partnership, which was acting on behalf of Federal President Zachary Hudson, and the Daurtu... Read more
A little over two weeks ago, the Facece system was occupied by an independent faction known as the Allied Facece Order. The news sent shockwaves through the Empire, with many asking how such a small organisation could take control of the second most important system in Imperial space. The... Read more
Two weeks ago, the Imperial Internal Security Service discovered ‘shadow’ cells belonging to the insurgent organisation Emperor’s Dawn in the Dakshmandi, Ipilyaqa and Ch’i Lin systems. Military fleets were swiftly despatched to the pertinent systems to destroy the last remaining vestiges of Emperor’s Dawn. But recent reports indicate that... Read more
Galactic News: Cryptic Messages Found in Local Bulletins
aliens mysteriesgalactic News 29 January 2016
A number of pilots have reported cryptic finding messages in starports’ news feeds. The origin of the messages is not clear, but they share certain characteristics, including references to apparent criminal activity, and in some cases coordinates. Often the messages are partially corrupted, suggesting they were originally hidden in... Read more
Freelance Report: Conflict Erupts at Obsidian Orbital
galactic Newspleiadesprofessor Palinwars / conflicts 29 January 2016
Anti-meta-alloy protests have spilled into violence during the final day of Professor Ishmael Palin’s request. Groups of protestors blockaded the entrance to Obsidian Orbital, and as talks between station personnel and the protestors broke down, tempers flared. One of those gathering meta-alloys for Professor Palin offered this first-hand account:... Read more
Galactic News: Sirius Corporation Responds to Calls for Clarity
antares’ disappearancegalactic Newssirius corporation 25 January 2016
Since the wreckage of the Highliner Antares was recovered several weeks ago, the families of those who lost their lives aboard the ship have been lobbying the Sirius Corporation for more information. Specifically, questions have been asked about where the wreckage was found, and if any human remains were... Read more