Alioth Warns Lugh They Stand Alone
allianceedmund Mahonfederationgalactic NewsLugh war 11 March 2015
Speaking before a gathering of the Alliance Assembly today, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has issued a warning to the Crimson State Group that it stands alone in its opposition to the Federation’s continued governance of Lugh. “It is not the place of the Alliance to intervene in matters of... Read more
Federal Military Lobby for Tax Reduction on Private Pilots
admiral Vincentempirefederationgalactic News 11 March 2015
Rumours coming out of Mars today suggest that a powerful lobbying group, acting on behalf of Admiral Vincent and the Federal Navy, are currently engaged in a massive campaign to lower taxes on combat-capable spacecraft. The aim of the campaign is to encourage Federal pilots to become more battle-ready... Read more
Core Dynamics, in association with the Federal Navy, are pleased to announce the latest addition to the Federal capital ship family, the FNS Nevermore. Core Dynamics Farragut -Class Battlecruisers represent the cutting edge in military technology. A single FCB can carry several squadrons of Federal Fighters and multiple Federal... Read more
Crimson State Group representatives who were still present on Alioth were forced to make a hasty departure earlier today, as reports of Federal checkpoints being established around local exit points began to hit the Alliance blogosphere. It would appear that the Federation means to finally show its hand in... Read more
An emergency special session of the Federal Congress was held today to discuss how best to deal with the Crimson State Group’s attempt to force Lugh to secede from the Federation. Lugh is home to 15.3 billion residents, who are supported almost entirely by the vast natural resources that... Read more
The Federation may have won the war in the Banki system, but survivors on both sides are still in a struggle for survival. After a long and bitter conflict, the Federation was able to clutch a victory (as well as a base) after offering greater incentives for Commanders willing... Read more
Senator Patreus and the Citizens of Tradition have been successful in their crusade against the Falisci Purple Gang. Falisci has fallen to Imperial forces and is currently in the process of being assimilated into Imperial society. All outstanding payments due to Imperial veterans of the Falisci war are now... Read more
Lugh Ambassador Éamonn Uí Laoghire, the leading spokesman for the Crimson State Group, held his third and final rally on Alioth today. After a heated speech, in which he spared no quarter for the Federation and their mistreatment of the Lugh population (who he repeatedly referred to as ‘The... Read more
Assassination Attempt as Lugh Rallies in Alioth Grow
alliancefederationgalactic NewsLugh war 25 February 2015
Alioth played host to scenes of chaos today when Éamonn Uí Laoghire addressed the crowds after his second attempt to gain an audience with Alliance representatives failed. While engaging with the huge numbers that had gathered to hear him speak, Éamonn was targeted by a single shot that was... Read more
The Importance of Insurance
federationLugh warpolicy/economy 22 February 2015
It’s been said before, but it’s worth saying again. Remember to set aside credits for your insurance excess. Only recently Commander Gui returned home to Sol with his newly purchased Anaconda. Having equipped it with all the essentials he departed… straight in to an incoming Type 9. Without the... Read more