Empire Marks Anniversary of NMLA Attacks
ACTempiregalactic NewsNMLA 10 September 2021
A day of mourning has been declared across the Empire to mark the first anniversary of the NMLA’s Imperial starport bombings. On Thursday the 10th of September 3306, Imperial stations in the Cemiess, Gabjaujis, LHS 4031 and Rabh systems were attacked without warning. Over sixty thousand people were killed... Read more
A new independent branch of Mastopolos Mining has been established by its controlling shareholder, Senator Zemina Torval. The megacorp is owned by the powerful Mastopolos family, and operates throughout the Empire and beyond. However, Torval’s position as a majority shareholder has allowed her to exert a strong influence on... Read more
The bombing of two Marlinist starports by the NMLA has caused political rifts and public protests across the colony systems. Local newsfeed The Marlin Standard reported on current events: “Our entire society is still reeling in shock after last week’s attacks against Stillman Hub and Tilman Point stations. There... Read more
Superpowers Respond to New Onionhead
aisling Duvalallianceempirefederationgalactic Newsonionhead 3 August 2021
The Alliance, Empire and Federation have clarified their official positions regarding the emergence of onionhead gamma strain. All variants of the popular psychedelic drug remain illegal within Federal space. Ambassador Jasmina Halsey, who was president in 3300 when the ruling was made, announced: “I am pleased that my decision... Read more
Marlinists in Crisis After Starport Bombings
ACTallianceempirefederationgalactic NewsNMLA 2 August 2021
The NMLA’s attacks against the Marlinist Colonies have caused mass casualties, disruption and political chaos. More than 35,000 civilians were killed in the attacks, with twice as many suffering injuries and caustic burns. Safeguard Interstellar is providing vital supplies to survivors, and evacuations of Stillman Hub and Tilman Point... Read more
The Marlinist Consulate, established to represent Marlinists across the galaxy, has triggered political instability among the colonies. Local newsfeed The Marlin Standard detailed the situation: “The formation of the Marlinist Consulate will shortly conclude with the public election of its leader. The prime consul will serve as the official... Read more
Imperial Senate Considers Marlinist Diplomacy
alliancedenton Patreusempirefederationgalactic NewsNMLA 28 June 2021
A proposal for the Empire to formally open diplomatic relations with the Marlinist Colonies has been made by Senator Lorcan Scordato. The eight systems are populated by ex-Imperial citizens who fled to avoid persecution for their beliefs in Marlinism, which advocates democratic representation. Returning from a fact-finding mission to... Read more
NMLA Makes Political Overtures
empireNMLApolicy/economy 22 June 2021
The Marlinism Reformation Party, which now represents the Neo-Marlinist fringe, has suggested a peace deal between the NMLA and the Empire. Minister Aaron Whyte explained the proposal during a session of the Marlinist Parliament: “Via anonymous intermediaries, we have received assurances that the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army is keen to... Read more
ACT Continues to Hunt NMLA Terrorists
ACTallianceempirefederationgalactic NewsNMLAnova imperium 14 June 2021
The Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit has published an update on its investigation into the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army. Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez, one of ACT’s joint leaders, gave a statement to the media: “ACT is currently pursuing multiple lines of enquiry, which must remain classified for reasons of security. Our agents... Read more
Minister Aaron Whyte, leader of the Marlinism Reformation Party, has confirmed that it aims to politically represent the Neo-Marlinist fringe. At a meeting of the Marlinist Parliament, Minister Whyte declared: “Not all of the Neo-Marlinist community seek a violent uprising to end the Duval family’s thousand-year dictatorship. We can... Read more