Colonia Bridge Project Enters Phase Two
Coloniacolonia bridgefederationInterstellar Initiative & CGjaques station 4 November 2021
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Brewer Corporation requests deliveries in the Alcor and Colonia systems for the next phase of the Colonia Bridge project. A successful initiative in October resulted in the placement of 30 dockable megaships at intervals of several hundred light years, providing services such as refuelling and repairs.... Read more
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Senator Zemina Torval’s new corporation requires deliveries of commodities to its megaship in the EGM 559 system. Constantia Torval, the senator’s daughter and operations director of the company, provided details of the initiative: “Now that we are a fully independent business, additional resources are urgently needed... Read more
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Rewards are being offered by Orion University to locate the Scriveners Clan dredger, which it claims as its legal property. The self-sustaining Dredger-class bulk cruiser was launched two centuries ago by an academic institute that was later absorbed by the university. Since then the dredger has... Read more
Twin Initiatives for Colonia Bridge Project
Coloniacolonia bridgeInterstellar Initiative & CG 7 October 2021
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Delivery campaigns in the Alcor and Colonia systems aim to improve journeys to the distant colonies. The Colonia Bridge project is being funded by Brewer Corporation, which outlined the details in a press release: “The Colonia region has great potential for businesses and travellers, but the... Read more
Saud Kruger Seeks New Holiday Worlds
Interstellar Initiative & CG 23 September 2021
*Pilots Federation ALERT* An initiative to gather data on potential tourist destinations has been launched by shipbuilding corporation Saud Kruger. The luxury passenger ship manufacturer aims to identify new Earth-like planets that would be attractive to holidaymakers. These trips will be managed by its subsidiary, Astrogator Tours. CEO Stanislav... Read more
Thargoid Strike Follows Salvation’s Prediction
aegisazimuthfederationInterstellar Initiative & CGthargoids 16 September 2021
*Pilots Federation ALERT* The Cornsar system has been attacked by Thargoid forces, causing severe damage to two starports. Direct assaults against Chadwick Port and Ito Market stations have resulted in over ten thousand casualties. Local reports state that Thargoid vessels have also appeared elsewhere throughout the system, placing millions... Read more
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Torval-Mastopolos Mining and Wreaken Construction have requested deliveries of mined resources to the LTT 198 system. LTT 198 State Ltd, its controlling faction, will only allow one of the rival corporations to remain permanently. The company with the most successful campaign will establish a new starport... Read more
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Conflict has erupted in the Hyades Sector RO-P b6-2 system between two factions of the Marlinist Colonies. The Exiled Marlinist Assembly of Baltah’Sine has declared war against the Marlinism Reformation Party, which acts as the political wing of the NMLA. Political relations degenerated into open combat... Read more
Federal Forces Combat New Rebellion
federationInterstellar Initiative & CGwars / conflictszachary Hudson 5 August 2021
*Pilots Federation ALERT* In the Kuwembaa system, the Federation is fighting to prevent further factions from declaring independence. New Kuwembaa Labour has broken ties with the Federation in protest against the government’s civil surveillance programme. Li Chotep for Equality, a local Federal faction, has been tasked to degrade the... Read more
*Pilots Federation ALERT* The NMLA has bombed two starports in the HIP 22550 and Hyades Sector RO-P b6-6 systems in the Marlinist Colonies. Explosive devices were detonated at both Stillman Hub and Tilman Point stations. As is characteristic of weapons used by the NMLA, caustic enzyme payloads caused widespread... Read more