CIRG Researcher Addresses Artefact Developments
The Voice of Varati recently interviewed the lead researcher at the Canonn Interstellar Research Group, Commander RedWizzard: “We know that the UA’s Morse-transmission behaviour is evolving. It’s almost as if somebody is pushing buttons to trigger different behaviours. It’s very strange. “We’ve also observed that they’re spreading at an... Read more
Canonn Interstellar Research Group Announces Breakthrough
After months of research, scientists working for the Canonn Interstellar Research Group observed a change in the transmissions emanating from the so-called ‘unknown artefacts’, also known as ‘anomalous extraterrestrial objects’ (or AEOs). Now the organisation believes it has decoded at least part of these strange transmissions. Startlingly, the messages... Read more
Professor Ishmael Palin Responds to Proposal
Professor Ishmael Palin Responds to Proposal Last week, The Voice of Varati published a message from the Canonn Interstellar Research Group, an independent scientific body, inviting Professor Ishmael Palin to join their organisation. Professor Palin recently made headlines when his Federation-backed programme to research the so-called anomalous extraterrestrial objects... Read more
Palin Invited to Join Research Group
Palin Invited to Join Research Group Last week saw reports that Professor Ishmael Palin has been forced to cease his research into the so-called anomalous extraterrestrial objects, also known as ‘unknown artefacts’. The Voice of Varati has since received a statement from the Canonn Interstellar Research Group, an independent... Read more
Anti-Federation Terrorists Linked to Artefact Research
Over the course of the weekend hundreds of tons of Bio-Waste were dumped in and around stations in 78 Ursae Majoris. This system is currently undergoing preparations for President Halsey’s arrival as part of her planned grand tour. A group calling themselves ‘The Canonn’ claims responsibility for this act.... Read more
Federation Accused of Cover-up
Despite pleas for information from the Scientific cross-faction coalition, the Federal Authorities remain tight lipped. According to sources close to Dr. Arcanonn and his team, Halsey’s government have refused to even acknowledge that Federation ships have been transporting the artefacts through populated space, despite mounting evidence. The authorities have... Read more
Arcanonn Challenges Halsey
Research into the recently recovered Unknown Artefact has intensified. Scientists, engineers and Commanders are flocking to assist Dr Arcanonn and his team from all across populated space, political allegiances temporarily forgotten in the search for answers. Many theories have been hypothesised, among them that the Artefact is some kind... Read more
Scientists Baffled by Mysterious Artefacts
Thanks to the efforts of dozens of Commanders taking part in a hunt across hundreds of systems, Dr. Arcannon and his team are delighted to announce that they have finally managed to retrieve an Unknown Artefact. The artefact was recovered from a Federal Navy Convoy, following a broadcast from... Read more