*Pilots Federation ALERT* Two Alliance stations have been constructed following a successful re-election campaign by Prime Minister Edmund Mahon. Enterprise Market in the LHS 2522 system and Prosperity Core in the Sharru Sector FW-W c1-19 system are now fully operational. Prime Minister Mahon welcomed visitors to the new starports,... Read more
Councillor Nakato Kaine has suggested that the Alliance’s current electoral system should be replaced by direct public voting. The proposal follows a recent election where Prime Minister Edmund Mahon was reinstated for a second six-year term. Addressing the Alliance Assembly, Councillor Kaine said: “Only allowing council members to choose... Read more
ACT Continues to Hunt NMLA Terrorists
ACTallianceempirefederationgalactic NewsNMLAnova imperium 14 June 2021
The Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit has published an update on its investigation into the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army. Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez, one of ACT’s joint leaders, gave a statement to the media: “ACT is currently pursuing multiple lines of enquiry, which must remain classified for reasons of security. Our agents... Read more
Tritium Mining Campaign Boosts Alliance Expansion
allianceedmund Mahonfederationgalactic News 3 June 2021
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Prime Minister Edmund Mahon’s request for mined tritium has concluded, paving the way for new Alliance starports. Large quantities of tritium were delivered, which will provide fuel for a civil infrastructure programme designed to increase the Alliance’s presence. As part of this expansion, new Alliance starports... Read more
The election for Alliance prime minister has been won by the incumbent Edmund Mahon, who begins a second six-year term in office. The Alliance Assembly voted yesterday to elect the new head of state. Mahon received more votes than any other candidate, albeit not a majority of the electorate.... Read more
Tritium Mining Marks Alliance Election Day
allianceedmund MahonfederationInterstellar Initiative & CG 27 May 2021
*Pilots Federation ALERT* As the Assembly votes for its new leader, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has requested mined tritium to aid expansion. The new initiative follows on from his successful drive for industrial materials, which resulted in large amounts of ceramic composites, polymers and superconductors. Pilots who contributed to... Read more
Alliance Election Candidates Announce Community Drives
allianceedmund Mahonfederationpolicy/economy 20 May 2021
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Councillor Nakato Kaine have launched rival delivery initiatives in Alliance space. The two leading candidates for Alliance prime minister are attempting to gather public support, although the actual election will be determined by votes within the Assembly on the 27th of... Read more
The front-runner candidates in the Alliance election have stepped up their campaigns, amid widespread political and civil unrest. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Councillor Nakato Kaine are touring across the Alliance, gathering public support to sway the Assembly when it votes on the 27th of May. Attending a business... Read more
The election of the Alliance prime minister will take place on the 27th of May, having been postponed due to the Galactic Summit. Vanya Driscoll, political correspondent for The Alliance Tribune, reported: “Prime Minister Edmund Mahon’s decision to postpone the election for three months caused enormous disruption and mass... Read more
Neo-Marlinist Faction Defeated in Battle
ACTallianceempirefederationNMLAwars / conflicts 8 April 2021
*Pilots Federation ALERT* The Mudhrid system conflict has ended with the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group overcoming the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid. This was triggered by ACT discovering that the Neo-Marlinist faction had provided transports and logistical support for the NMLA’s attacks against nine starports. The Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group... Read more