In the Shadow of the Blight
People across the core systems are adapting to food shortages caused by the blight, as the threat of widespread starvation increases. Vox Galactica journalist Adalyn Cross has been following the situation: “With staple foodstuffs scarce in many systems, long-forgotten brands have been resurrected, as freeze-dried and preserved goods return... Read more
Anti-Blight Treatment Discovered
The galactic community has been asked to support an initiative that could counteract the blight that is devastating crops in hundreds of systems. With the blight pathogen present across inhabited space, the Interstellar Association for Agriculture has decided to press ahead with controlled distribution of a promising new agronomic... Read more
Blight Mutates into New Pathogen
The pathogen introduced to crops by the contaminated EX7 fertiliser has displayed signs of self-sufficiency, potentially threatening crops in thousands of systems. Lead Researcher Mason Chu of the Vandermeer Corporation stated: “A successful initiative to destroy contaminated Rockforth fertiliser means it no longer poses a threat to cropland. But... Read more
Militant Group Responsible for Blight
An extremist group from the Kappa Fornacis system is responsible for the contaminated fertiliser that has caused widespread crop failures. Gino Borstein made this statement on behalf of the tri-superpower taskforce investigating the blight’s origin: “Our investigation has confirmed that an activist group known as Scythe of Panem managed... Read more
Blight Traced to Synthetic Contaminant
A tri-superpower group has identified the cause of the blight that has ruined crops on multiple worlds. Gino Borstein of the Federal Intelligence Agency delivered a report on behalf of the cross-superpower taskforce: “Working with the Rockforth Corporation, we have confirmed that the EX7 fertiliser was deliberately contaminated with... Read more
Superpowers Collaborate to Investigate Blight
A collaborative body has been formed by the three superpowers to trace the source of the blight that is laying waste to crops on key agricultural worlds. The development was covered by journalist Adalyn Cross for Vox Galactica: “We know that the Rockforth fertiliser caused the advanced decay that... Read more
Initiative to Eradicate Rockforth Fertiliser
The Rockforth Corporation’s EX7 fertiliser has been linked to the blight affecting crops in a number of systems, prompting an initiative to remove the product from the market. Dr Genevieve Kane of the Interstellar Association for Agriculture delivered an urgent message: “Comparative analysis has confirmed that the blight is... Read more
The Mystery of the Blight
The cause of mass crop spoilage on key agricultural worlds has been attributed to a new disease affecting plants. Dr Genevieve Kane of the Interstellar Association for Agriculture summarised the organisation’s findings: “The rapid decay of plant life on multiple planets was caused by the same strain of advanced... Read more
Food Shortages Spark Civil Unrest
A recent commodity appeal has spurred civil unrest in several systems, with civilians fearing that their respective governments are unable to cope with the widespread crop failures. Vox Galactica published a report on developments by journalist Adalyn Cross: “Following crop failures on a massive scale, the projected availability of... Read more
Initiative to Counter Poor Harvests
Two coordinated trade initiatives have been launched, spearheading efforts to mitigate the impact of low crop yields in key systems. The initiatives have been organised by Crimson State Limited in the Diso system and Orerve Universal Limited in the Orerve system. The significant loss of crops in these agricultural... Read more