The Pro-Aegis Stance of the Princess
aegisaisling Duvaldenton Patreusempirepolicy/economythargoidszemina Torval 23 January 2023 Bot Galnet

Princess Aisling Duval’s call for the Empire to commit to a resumed Aegis project, alongside the Alliance and Federation, has received a harsh response.
Admiral Denton Patreus was approached for comment by the Eye on Achenar newsfeed:
“We all have our part to play in the Empire, but questioning military policy is hardly within a princess’s remit. I would humbly suggest that Her Highness focuses on those areas where she excels: charity work, hosting parties, advocating the wellbeing of the citizens and so forth.”
A similar viewpoint was expressed by Senator Zemina Torval, who simply remarked: “Perhaps I am old-fashioned, but there was a time when attempting to challenge the Emperor’s decree was viewed as an insult to the throne.”
Hadrian Augustus Duval’s response was less confrontational but clear: “I firmly believe that non-collaboration is the best direction for the Empire, and respectfully ask Aisling not to undermine this policy through the press.”
However, Senator Caspian Leopold offered an alternative take:
“Princess Aisling has a much better understanding of political realities than many give her credit for. After personally consulting with scientific, military and political specialists, she has concluded that reforming Aegis is the logical move. Far from challenging Emperor Arissa’s policy, this is a heartfelt attempt to support her reign by increasing the Empire’s chances of victory against the Thargoids.”