Eranin vs Federation skirmishes intensify
Post Views: 1,898 Commanders are getting heavily involved in the growing conflict between Eranin and the Federation over Eranin’s 30th Anniversary of Independence. Almost as many missions were flown in support of each side in the past 24 hours as in the whole of the weekend since Eranin’s 30th... Read more
Faulcon deLacy slashes cobra prices by 50%, offers 100% trade-in value in unprecedented move
Post Views: 1,729 It turns out that big deal that the Faulcon deLacy board was rumoured to be working on is a spectacular one. In a surprise move, prices of their Cobra Mk III craft have been slashed by 50% to 86,052 credits. FdL is also offering 100% of... Read more
Eranin celebration liquor banned by Federation
Post Views: 948 Eranin’s slow-burn escalation of tension with the Federation over its 30th Anniversary Of Independence celebrations looks to be coming to a head. On Saturday, Eranin’s 30th anniversary, the Federation declared the special celebratory liquor from Eranin illegal. Liquor from Wyrd, Eranin’s fellow independent communist system, was... Read more
Ship sales service report
Post Views: 1,293 After last week’s stunning news of a free Eagle for all, Core Dynamics falls back to a more usual 13.6% market share. Faulcon deLacy remains top of the pile and tightens its grip on the market even further with a 1.6% overall market share rise to... Read more
Cold war ready to ignite?
Post Views: 1,649 Eranin’s 30 year anniversary of independence from the Federation is tomorrow, and their ‘cold war’ looks more and more like a tinderbox ready to ignite. Read more
Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 2,983 The authorities are reporting that they have managed to contain the dramatic increase in black-market trading in the past week with numbers of illegally traded items considerable down on last week. As a result the markets show a healthy rise this week after last week’s slump... Read more
Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 0 Pilots need to beware that, following a dramatic increase in the amount of goods being traded on the black market, particularly Tobacco and Gold, the authorities are cracking down. It is thought that the increase in smuggling stolen goods may be as a result of a... Read more
Alerte aux Pilotes d’Elite de la Fédération
Post Views: 0 Les rumeurs d’un scandale financier englouti actuellement le gouvernement de la Fédération ont diminué le niveau de confiance en la dette fédérale au point que beaucoup la considèrent maintenant comme toxique. Cela semble avoir déclanché un resserrement du crédit affectant aussi bien le niveau de stock... Read more
Alerte aux Pilotes d’Elite de la Fédération
Post Views: 0 Demain c’est l’anniversaire des 30 ans de l’indépendance d’Eranin par rapport à la Fédération et leur guerre froide ressemble à une poudrière prete à exploser. Eranin affiche sa liberté et son fonctionnement de type communiste face aux systèmes Fédéraux en annonçant une liqueur de la célébration... Read more
Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 0 The rumours of a financial scandal currently engulfing the Federation government have knocked confidence in federal debt to the point where many now regard it as toxic. This seems to be triggering a Federation-wide credit-crunch that has affected both the stock levels that merchants are willing... Read more