Jerome Archer and Nakato Kaine Increase Supporters
Civil, commercial and political groups within the Alliance and Federation are pledging loyalty to two increasingly high-profile individuals. Sofia Trevino published a summary for The Federal Times: “President Zachary Hudson has long been the figurehead for a wide range of Federal communities and corporations. But as he prepares to... Read more
Kumo Crew Claims Responsibility for Nanomam 1 Explosion
An explosion outside the Federal Republican Party offices on Nanomam 1 has claimed the lives of three government workers. The blast originated from a small shuttle waiting to collect Shadow President-elect Jerome Archer, who had spent the morning at the building on party business. Archer was reportedly approaching the... Read more
Thargoid War Bulletin: Two Active Titans Remain
Titan Thor in the Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-5 system has been reported as destroyed, leaving only two of the eight Thargoid motherships still active. Aegis has begun a scientific analysis programme to investigate the hulks of all inactive Titans. A spokesperson told the media: “Xenologists from the Alliance,... Read more
The Assault on Thor
*Pilots’ Federation Alert* Titan Thor is under siege. This is an urgent call to all independent pilots to aid in the complete defeat of the sixth Titan. The key modules for the assault continue to be readily available at all Rescue Megaships: • Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser – To break... Read more
Pranav Antal Announces Successful Research Campaign
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Utopia’s campaign in the Polevnic system has ended, with Pranav Antal offering his thanks to independent pilots. The requested deliveries of commodities and encoded materials arrived at Tanner Settlement starport in the Polevnic system. The Guardians of Harmony, which managed the initiative, is now arranging payment... Read more
Utopia Fails to Reinforce Research Archive Library
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Utopia’s campaign in the Polevnic system has ended, with Pranav Antal announcing that it did not receive the desired quota of goods and samples. The requested deliveries of several types of commodities and encoded materials arrived at Tanner Settlement starport in the Polevnic system. The Guardians... Read more
Utopia Requests Support Amid Claims of Sirius Pressure
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Utopia has asked for encoded materials and commodities in the Polevnic system, as part of an initiative to update its reference library. Simguru Pranav Antal, leader of the commune, provided this message to all news channels: “In recent years, Utopia has been inexorably drawn closer to... Read more
Type-8 Released: Lakon Spaceways Offer SCO Optimised Freighter
The first batch of Type-8 freighters are now available for purchase, expanding Lakon Spaceways’ fleet of dedicated trade vessels. Lakon’s promotional media contained the following statement: “With the Type-8, Lakon Spaceways introduces a ‘best-in-class’ medium freighter. The aesthetically charming design offers a larger cargo capacity and greater resilience compared... Read more
Aegis Announces Engineering Supply Commitment
An announcement by Head of Aegis, Alba Tesreau, has revealed a new opportunity for pilots engaged in anti-xeno operations. During her monthly communication with representatives of all three superpowers which fund the Aegis project, Tesreau discussed a recent agreement to provide AX pilots with additional support: “The military fleets... Read more
Emperor Arissa Ambushed in Cubeo System
Emperor Arissa has survived an assault on her convoy in the Cubeo system. Imperial Guard pilots fought off the perpetrators in a brief but intense firefight. The Emperor was returning from a state visit to Cubeo 3, where communities across the planet were hosting a biennial harvest festival in... Read more