Galactic News: Thargoid Threat Continues to Escalate
aegisgalactic Newspleiadesthargoids 6 October 2017
Numerous sources have reported that Thargoid activity has escalated dramatically in recent days, with attacks from Thargoid Interceptor-class ships becoming increasingly common in the Pleiades Nebula. Reports confirm that Imperial, Federal and civilian ships have all been targeted. Images captured by survivors of these attacks show Thargoid ships scanning... Read more
Galactic News: Federation Withdraws from Pleiades
empirefederationgalactic Newspleiades 6 October 2017
Authorities in systems throughout the Pleiades Nebula have reported that the Federation has withdrawn its ships from the region. The development follows ongoing speculation regarding the Federal-Imperial cold war. The Federation first deployed ships to the Pleiades over two years ago, in a move that was widely interpreted as... Read more